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This post is more than 5 years old


December 6th, 2005 09:00

Nero Burning Rom vs Roxio Easy CD Creator

I have an inspiron 8500 with a CD/DVD+RW and I would like to upgrade my burning software.
What I want to do is: burnig data CD/DVDs, burning some music compilation (nothing fancy), make boot CD/DVDs (mostly to slipstream service packs), erase disks, etc. What I don't need are all the fancy applycations to make DVDs, do photo editing, etc. (I already have applications to do that and I don't need more junk on my system).
The choices seem to be:
1) Nero Burning Rom. According to the reviews on the internet it is the best burnign software, but some say it is a little buggy and it come with tons of applications I really don't want (Nero Home, Nero Scout, Nero Wave Editor, etc.). It seems to me to be too much of an overkill for what I need. Someone even complains about the continuos updates which are released on the web and that require to download the whole application again every time.
2) Roxio Easy CD Creator seems to me to be a little simpler than Nero but it still offers plenty of applications I don't want. The latest version seems to have a pretty good Virtual Driver application. I use a similar one called VirtualCD, but if the one that comes with Roxio is good enogh (i.e. can clone ANY CD or DVD) I could happily replace the current one and have one less software to worry about.
3) RecordNow! (Standard, Delux, and Suite if you look under the Sonic website - Sonic owns Roxio now). This seems to have only what I need, but I am not sure it offers enough flexibility in making boot CDs and buring some ISO images. Plus it is a little hard to choose which suite is the most appropriate without trying them (there is no tryal version). Have anyone tried this app and can give more information about it?
Thank you for your suggestions!

9 Legend


33.3K Posts

December 6th, 2005 09:00

Roxio and Nero both are similar.  I have Nero 6 and Roxio Easy Media 7.5 installed (I do PC support and the reason I have both).  I use both and I lean slightly toward Roxio as it has a easier (more user friendly) "recording" program (for audio from LP's, casettes, etc).  However, the Nero 6 CD burning program requires no intervention if you are making more than one copy, where Roxio requires a manual selection each time. 
Nero now has V7 out, but from the comments on various forums I wouldn't recommend it.  I downloaded the 30 day trial version and uninstalled it the next day - didn't like it and went back to the faster V6.  Roxio has a new V8 out but I haven't tried it yet (none of my customers have it so I won't get it).

52 Posts

December 6th, 2005 09:00

Thank you fireberd.

Two more questions:

Does having more than one CD burning application on the same OS gives any problem (live having two antivirus)? I would suspect that Nero InCD does not like having its counter part from Roxio installed at the same time...

How customizable is the setup for Roxio? Is it easy to install only the components you want?

Thank you again for your time.

9 Legend


33.3K Posts

December 6th, 2005 11:00

`First, you are correct, only one "UDF" program can be installed, e.g. Nero's InCd., Sonic DLA, Roxio Drag to disc.  You can have more than one CD burning program installed, just not the UDF's.

Roxio, at least the 7.5 version will allow a "custom" install.

1 Message

December 7th, 2005 20:00

i want  these softwares

2.1K Posts

December 8th, 2005 19:00

FYI: Roxio's V7.5 is not available since V8 came out. You may be able to find one on a retailer's shelf but they aren't making it any more.

And all versions of V8 allow custom install.
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