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March 12th, 2007 14:00

Vista failure (partial BSOD)

I recently purchased a Dell with Vista Premium installed. The computer seems to lockup when it goes into a screen-saver/sleep mode. The lockup is only solved by a hard-reset. The only thing on the screen is a bunch of blueish colored vertical bars. After the hard-reset, vista detects an improperly shutdown machine and tries to repair with no avail. Has anyone had a similar problem or know of a fix?

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20.1K Posts

March 12th, 2007 14:00

Sleep can be problematic on Vista. Change the Power settings to High Performance scheme--no sleep, disable screensavers, just set your monitor to turn off after a set time and see if that helps. Also look for an updated driver for your video card at the manufacturer's site. You should start a problem report with Dell support. There could be something else going on. This should not be happening on a new computer.
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