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This post is more than 5 years old


November 16th, 2007 15:00

Windows XP Home Edition start up Automatic Log Off

I recently ran a virus scan on my computer and told it to turn off my computer after the scan was complete. Afterwards I tried to turn my computer back on I'm able to get to the account selection screen to sign on and each time I put my password in to log in, my computer automatically logs me back out.

The same thing happens when I've run my computer in safe mode and have selected the administrator account.

I have a Dell Demension 3000 computer that runs Windows XP Home Edition.

I want to be able to access my files on my computer long enough to save them to a disk so I can just wipe my whole system and start all over again.

I'd greatly appreciate any help.
Thanks much!

12.7K Posts

November 16th, 2007 19:00

Issue this addresses: after selecting a user when logging into WinXP, you see the desktop (no icons) and it then immediately logs you off (with no error messages).
aka: the "logon-logoff loop"
1 - Boot the system using the Windows XP CD-ROM. In the first screen when the Setup begins, read the instructions press "R" (in the first screen) enter the Recovery Console. Type-in the built-in Administrator password to enter the Console. You'll see the prompt reading C:\Windows (Or any other drive-letter where you've installed XP)
2 - In the first screen when the Setup begins, read the instructions press "R" (in the first screen) enter the Recovery Console.
3 - Type in the Administrator password to enter the Console. Sometimes leaving the password blank and hitting enter works.
*if password is unknown or not working, boot from a Win2k CD or change the password with "Offline NT Password & Registry Editor" google it. then start over with this procedure.
4 - You'll see the prompt reading c:\windows (or c:\winnt)
5 - Type the following command and press Enter: "CD SYSTEM32" (if that does not work, try CHDIR SYSTEM32).
6 - Type the following command and press Enter: "COPY USERINIT.EXE WSAUPDATER.EXE"
7 - Quit Recovery Console by typing "EXIT" and restart Windows.
You'll be able to login successfully as you've created the wsaupdater.exe file (now, a copy of userinit.exe)
8 - Click Start, Run and type "regedit". Navigate to: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon]
9 - In the right-pane, change the value of Userinit to "C:\WINDOWS\system32\userinit.exe,"
*type the above value exactly as given, including the comma - exclude the quotes.
10 - Close Registry Editor and restart Windows.

2.6K Posts

November 16th, 2007 19:00

Is this of any help?
Probably nothing to lose by trying.....

77 Posts

November 16th, 2007 19:00

Hi phoenix,
 If you want to take your files off without being able to boot to this installation, you will need another bootable device. You can either use your hard drive as a slave on a diff system. Or use an external hard drive which has windows installed in it and try to boot from it. or you can boot to recovery console from windows xp cd and use the old dos commands to copy the files to a diff drive.
 You can choose what you wish and go ahead for next.

December 16th, 2007 02:00

when i received my dell computer it did not come with an XP cd to boot with. . .

December 16th, 2007 02:00

this method did not work, after i did the last step and started windows again ejecting the bart PE boot disk, unfortunately the problem persisted

February 1st, 2008 00:00

ok my log on/log off problem is solved, it turned out that the wininit.exe (something like that) file had been deleted, one of my friends copied that file from her computer to a cd-rw and copied it to my hard drive again.

OK now that that problem is solved and I'm able to log back into my computer, I need to find the system application to save my files to a cd in order to wipe my hard drive and reinstall windows xp.
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