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This post is more than 5 years old



September 2nd, 2007 19:00

Windows won't Update, Error Code 8000FFFF

I have checked out the boards and didn't see a problem exactly like mine so thought I would post in case someone could help out.  I got my computer late June but haven't been on it all that much until now and realized that the Windows update is not working.  Everytime the computer or I try to obtain Windows updates it can't and spits out the generic error code 8000FFFF.  When I look at the update history it only has one update in there and it failed.  It was a critical update 7.0.6000.374 and the error code for this one was 8024D00F.  I'm not a super savvy computer person so any help someone could throw my way I would appreciate.  I've seen where some have completely re-installed everything.  I'd rather not do that if I don't have to. 

12.7K Posts

September 2nd, 2007 19:00

Are you getting that error trying to install a particular Windows update KBxxxx? If so which one?
Please post your model of Dell, and how much memory is installed in the system.

2.4K Posts

September 3rd, 2007 01:00

the windows update client for vista was updated.since that update failed to install im assuming everything else won't work.
i do not know where to get a copy of the new update, sorry. try the windows update catalog.

3 Posts

September 3rd, 2007 14:00

I have an Inspiron 1501 with 256MB memory.  I just got it not to long ago.  I haven't tried to install any particular update.  The error began the first time it checked and found a critical update to install.  That update failed and now I'm stuck.  Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks!

5 Practitioner


274.2K Posts

September 3rd, 2007 16:00

It's just a shot in the dark, but you might try forcing the update agent to reinstall from an elevated command prompt.
To open an elevated command prompt type "command" into the start/search box without the quotation marks, then right click the Command Prompt icon that should appear in the upper-left corner, and choose "Run as Administrator".
Then type this command and press enter:
WindowsUpdateAgent30-x86.exe /wuforce

5 Practitioner


274.2K Posts

September 25th, 2007 16:00

Try the fix in this post.

3 Posts

September 29th, 2007 20:00

That seems to have worked!!!  Thanks so much for your help.  :smileyvery-happy:

5 Practitioner


274.2K Posts

October 1st, 2007 14:00

Glad we could help. Thanks for checking here for a solution.

1 Message

November 10th, 2007 01:00

I have had my new laptop for no more than 2 months.  I cannot receive updates as I continually get the error code 8000FFFF.  I did try some of the suggestions I found on line, to no avail.  As I am quite computer illiterate, some of the suggestions are way  over my head.  I have no idea what I am being instructed to do.
After numerous days of trying different options, I am now unable to even access the Internet.
I am on my desktop only, and not even able to use my new laptop. 
This is extremely frustating for me, as well as quite disappointing.  I have a new Dell Notebook 1720, which I am not able to use.

Message Edited by chelseysmom on 11-09-2007 09:42 PM

3 Posts

April 5th, 2008 21:00

I had a new motherboard installed by a Dell Tech on 4/1. In error, I did not get a new power cord until 4/2. When I started my computer I got this message:

Windows could not search for new updates. This appeared to be because time was not synchronized; tried to synchronize time. Got this error message 80072F8F

did what it said; got message
"an error occurred while Windows was synchronizing with"

so it won't let me fix the time

I can't get into Dell support on line after the first time I talked to them for various reasons including "Problem with we site's security certificate; expired or not valid,


need some advice. On top of that, I was in Michigan with broadband connection on 4/2, am now in FL with dial up connection; I can get to Starbucks if that would help. Pat

3 Posts

April 5th, 2008 22:00

Sorry I did not include this info in my previous post regarding 'Windowns could not search for new updates":


Windows Vista Home Premium

Intel(R)Core(TM) 2CPU T7200@2GHz

1.99 GB Ram

Mobile Intel(R) 945 GM Express Chipset Family

Dell Inspiron MXC061

Memory 2038 GB

32 bit operating system


Maybe that is'll have to tell me what else to look for  :)  



They reinstalled my motherboard because my computer would not recognize the AC adaptor error message. 

3 Posts

April 5th, 2008 23:00

After reading this thread again, I solved my problem.  I knew it had something to do with setting the time correctly.  i must have looked at the clock information 30 times;  I checked the time, I checked the day, I checked the month, I checked the year...I thought....but it was 2000 instead of 2008, and I totally missed it each time since I just glanced at the year.  When I reset the year to 2008, things now downloads come in, the security certification is okay since it is now a current year.  Thank you for the forum!  Pat
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