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This post is more than 5 years old



July 31st, 2015 01:00

Any way to Connect to Iomega Home Media Network, Cloud Edition.

Wink Any way to Connect to Iomega Home Media Network, Cloud Edition.

I recently purchased Iomega Home Media Network Hard Drive, Cloud Edition 2Tb hoping to be able to access my data easily. Is there any method of connecting to this kind of personal cloud hard drive. It's new on the market. I have signed up with TZO and have a domain name.

If there's any method or plan capability? Maybe I am not setting the Port correctly.

Please advise

544 Posts

August 3rd, 2015 23:00


PocketCloud cannot directly communicate with your NAS. However, if you have it connected to your PC or Mac and mounted as a normal drive you will be able to access it when connected to your desktop in PocketCloud.


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