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August 3rd, 2015 03:00

iPad 2 manual VNC connection drops randomly

iPad 2 manual VNC connection drops randomly

I have a manual connected VNC to a device running xp. I used the same connection with an iPad 1 but now with the 2 the screen goes black and I have to reset the app. Any ideas?

1.3K Posts

August 10th, 2015 22:00

Miguelortiz, sorry to hear you are having trouble with your iPad 2. Lets see if I can help resolve the issue...

What version(s) of PocketCloud and PocketCloud Companion are you using? What version of Windows XP are you using? How are you connecting to your XP machine (Wifi or 3g)?

August 10th, 2015 23:00

It randomly drops at different times, sometimes it doesn't,but it's always at a critical time.

August 10th, 2015 23:00

I am using the latest version of pocket cloud. There is no companion it's a manual vnc connection. The windows xp is a stripped down version because it is a digital audio sound board. I can investegate and find out the version if necessary.

August 10th, 2015 23:00

The audio console runs on a stripped down version of windows xp. I can only install console specific software. The ONLY way to access externally is through VNC.

1.3K Posts

August 10th, 2015 23:00

I am sorry you are still having trouble with this... Does the screen turn black immediately after connecting to the computer or does it happen randomly after you are already connected and using the computer?

1.3K Posts

August 10th, 2015 23:00

When this happens, if you tap on the black screen does anything happen? We have seen an issue before where the screen can turn black, but if you tap the screen, the screen will show again.

Another thing that I am thinking, is it possible you have lost wifi connectivity (maybe going out of range of your router)? You could try changing channels on the wifi router to see if that helps.

You can also try downloading another free remote desktop application to see if that has the same problem.

Please let me know

1.3K Posts

August 10th, 2015 23:00

Does the screen turn black anytime you connect using the iPad 2? Are you connecting via Wifi or using a 3g connection? And just to double check, this connection worked fine with the iPad 1? Are you able to connect via RDP? This depends on what version of XP it is. Home versions of Windows do not support RDP connections, only VNC.

August 10th, 2015 23:00

The screen going black is random. I connect with a dedicted wireless router meaning it is only for this and a lighting console. It had alwaus been that way and the wifi is not the issue. I cannot install anything other than the software for mixing live sound. I never had any troubles other than being a tad slow with the iPad 1, but that was the device and not the connection. In order to connect RDP do I need to install something? I so than I cannot go that routed.

1.3K Posts

August 10th, 2015 23:00

Miguelortiz, sorry you are still having trouble. Please take a look at our knowledge base topic for manually connecting via RDP (this is not supported on Windows XP Home edition):

Once you have that done, you can get started on the setup in PocketCloud. Since you cannot install software (PocketCloud Companion), you can create a manual connection in PocketCloud using the following information:
-IP address (Host address)

Please let me know if this does not get you connected and we can further troubleshoot this.

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