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July 6th, 2015 02:00

Citrix Seamless Roaming fails from V30L

Citrix Seamless Roaming fails from V30L

I came to this forum because I couldn't find a reference to my problem on the web or the Wyse KB.

Using Citrix Web on our LAN allows us to have access to Citrix' Seamless Roaming feature. The user can login to Citrix from a Wyse V30 (running WinCE 5.0) or a Windows workstation using the latest Citrix client. They can then go to another location, login, and their desktop closes at the original location and opens at the new location with their desktop intact.

However, we purchased the latest version of this terminal, the V30L (running WinCE 6.0 Build 664,) and it doesn't work the same way. We get the annoying popup window, "You already have an instance of this application open..."

It shouldn't be a Citrix settings problem because it works on all but the V30L, but I haven't found any info relating to it, so any help is appreciated. It is more likely the ICA client used for this WinCE version.

Our servers are running Windows Server 2003 and Xenapp Server v5.

Does Wyse monitor the forums?

12 Posts

July 6th, 2015 02:00

My two problems were related and the fix was found in the Citrix forum. Thanks, Fred! -peter

Fred Donovan
Posts: 539

Re: Web Interface v5.1.2 complains V30L has no client
Posted: Nov 8, 2010 2:29 PM in response to: Fred Donovan Reply
1 users found this post useful


On your WinCE device, check Control Panel -> Internet Settings -> and change the User Agent to WinCE. On my S30 it was set to (Default - Same as Windows XP) and I would get the client deployment screen after logging in to WI. Apparently, this IE setting sends the browser/OS version to WI; with the default setting WI thinks a Win32 device is connecting rather than WinCE. Change the User Agent to Windows CE and WI will no longer prompt you to download the plug-in. This resolved the issue on my S30.

This was a tricky one and it will be documented in a KB article.

Please provide an update when you get a chance.


12 Posts

July 6th, 2015 02:00

I still have no answer, but I do have more info.

When I change the Citrix Web Interface code to temporarily not check for installed clients, it then gives me the message that I should add our Citrix web server to the trusted sites. It already is added there! The V30L just isn't testing for it correctly. 

I had setup a C90 to login via Web Interface and did not add the web server to Trusted Sites right away. It had the same problem! It would log me in, but attempt to open a new Citrix session instead of locating my current session that was already there. We have the logins limited to one session per user. If it doesn't find (or look for) a current session, it tries a new session and fails due to the one session limit. I added the Web Server to the Internet Trusted Sites. It now showed a reconnect and disconnect "button" on the Program Neighborhood Agent window. It would then find my current session and move it to this new terminal. It worked correctly.

Of course, removing our web server from Trusted Sites on the V30 still allowed me to pull my session to the new terminal. Maybe the V30 doesn't check the Security correctly, either, but at least it moves the Citrix session!

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