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35 Posts


March 9th, 2019 06:00

Aurora R8, how loud is it "supposed" to be?

Hey everyone, I hope you are having a good weekend.

So, my new R8 is about just under 2 weeks old now.

I'm just curious how loud is this system supposed to be at idle?  Should I be able to hear it from about 12 feet across the room when it is just on/idle and I'm not doing anything on it/opened any programs yet?

Tech suggested turning off "Turbo Boost" in the Bios at start, I would like to know opinions on this if anyone has time.

Best way I can describe the noise it is between a fan and a buzz sound, a little of each

I understand and appreciate computers in general can make noise, I'm just trying to figure out if this is how loud this computer  is supposed to be or not. (Yes I know it is hard to tell/give an opinion if your not in the room with it  - I tried explaining the best I can, so any feedback would be appreciated.

Also this is more than likely unrelated, but I figure I'll mention it:

A few days after I got it I had a issue where Windows wouldn't boot.  Was told to do a Windows reset and if that didn't work do a clean install of windows (Reset didn't work, clean install did, or well, seems to)

Ever since then it has been louder than before.

Thanks everyone.

2 Posts

April 17th, 2020 16:00

I have have the same problem with my aurora r8 but it really only gets loud when loading something big (like a big game or software) but when it does do this it's exceptionally loud. also since i'm a moder when loading into a modded save file or game at alli can notice it getting louder but after its done loading it goes silent and stays that way until i leave the game and open up a new modded game or a big software

Hope this helped because i didnt really know what to say in this post

Thanks you

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