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March 1st, 2023 13:00


AW3423DWF, ETA on EOTF firmware fix?

Hello Alienware team,

Many people are wondering what is the ETA on the firmware fix that's coming for the AW3423DWF? According to this article on dell website, a firmware update was suppose to be provided in mid February for the source tone map bug in HDR 1000. Alas, we're now March 1st and there's still no update in sight.

EOTF (Electro-Optical Transfer Function) curve in HDR1000 on the AW3423DWF is currently messed up as shown by many reviewers (Monitor Unboxed, etc.). Any update on when we should see a firmware fix for this would be most welcome.

2 Posts

April 15th, 2023 05:00

Its insanst if you use the Windows app but its actually takes 3 seconds too if you switch frlm hdr400 to 1000 throught the monitor OSD, right? I had both side by side and I remebrer that it took about the same time.

April 15th, 2023 16:00

It takes a few seconds when you turn HDR on and off completely in the OSD. Changing between the modes is instant.

12 Posts

April 18th, 2023 07:00

That's really good to hear BradL, thx.

15 Posts

April 19th, 2023 08:00

You can set a custom resolution (just make it native) and set a higher refresh at 10bit.  I use 144Hz

8 Posts

April 20th, 2023 00:00

Awesome news if you are able to fix this issue ! 

7 Posts

April 20th, 2023 10:00

Mine now is behaving kinda weirdly, I'd like to see these fixed as well, please...

- I like all lights OFF, but in the middle of a session, the lights will just turn on again! By themselves, no touching the monitor at all...... And when I go to turn them off again, the All Lights Off doesn't work, I have to set them all ON, then all OFF again....
- I also set the power button light to only turn on when on standby, but my monitor doesn't seem to enter standby mode, like never. When I press the button it actually turns off entirely, so the power button doesn't ever light up, and this used to work with my previous DW model;
- the above causes a HUGE annoyance because I simply cannot call the Pixel Refresh without turning the computer on again!! What the heck?!? If I shutdown the computer and see the panel health yellow, the monitor menus are pretty much entirely disabled and I can't make it run there; the DW would enter standby automatically, so I always just shutdown the computer, the monitor power light would turn on, and I'd just press the power button to run it, but this one.....WOW, I have to turn the computer on again, select Pixel Refresh from the menu, carefully position the mouse cursor over the shutdown button and hold my hand in place, so I can start it on the monitor, let it go black, and click what I expect to be the shutdown............ Yikes..... huge hassle....

Come on Dell....

1 Message

April 21st, 2023 04:00

I cant help with most of your points but i have a little workaround for the last issue. You can create a shutdown button on your desktop and you can execute it with the enter button.

right click on the desktop --> new shortcut

enter the following:  %systemroot%\system32\shutdown.exe /s /hybrid /t 0


April 22nd, 2023 13:00

It should be possible to fix it via a software update. This monitor is Freesync premium pro certified. It definitely has the capabilities. For some reason, the way it was handled was just incredibly lazy. It is just a calibration problem.  Dell/Alienware will likely have to make a new colour profile for HDR 1000 with a proper EOTF curve and push it via a firmware update. Samsung was able to address flickering and micro stuttering on the G7 way back when via a firmware update and that required adding a whole new setting in the OSD. I am hopeful Dell will be able to fix this for us.

April 22nd, 2023 13:00

I am sure everyone appreciates the updates from you, and I am personally happy to hear Dell/Alienware is aware of the issue and is still trying to come up with a solution. We deserve to have a working a product for our money. This monitor was advertised as being HDR 1000 capable, but in it's current state that mode is unusable. Not only that but Nvidia users still need to use "Source Tone Mapping" for the best experience in either the True Black 400 or HDR 1000 mode. I really love this product and if Dell/Alienware is able to fix it I would be much more inclined to buy your products again in the future. Thanks for looking in to it Dell-BradL. For the moment I will wait patiently as I continue to check the firmware update page every single day...   

15 Posts

April 22nd, 2023 14:00

You can get 10 bit and at least 144Hz if you set a custom resolution in the Nvidia control panel.  Kind of dumb, but it works.

1 Rookie


16 Posts

April 22nd, 2023 19:00

Ok, I make it works on last nvidia drivers with 165hz and 10bit, it’s very stable, no blink, all good. I’ve create custom resolution in nvidia drivers with manual settings 3520 and 1475 (not resolution).I think dell need to create this profile in new firmware. Already test it for two weeks - all is good. And hdr1000 is working, but I use true black for now.

11 Posts

April 24th, 2023 03:00

hello new owner of the monitor, I bought it aware of the problems with hdr 1000, confident in a firmware update that can fix things, nice to hear you are working on it, it is also one of the reasons why people choose a brand over to another. we look forward to new information

6 Posts

April 24th, 2023 09:00

Thank you for keeping us all updated.

1 Rookie


16 Posts

April 24th, 2023 13:00

You can make it work with 165Hz and 10Bit via Nvidia Control Panel, AMD Video Drivers or else custom resolution software.

1 Rookie


16 Posts

April 24th, 2023 13:00

I've made it working with 165Hz and 10Bit, in Nvdia Control Paner -> Change Resolution -> Settings (Custom Resolution) -> Create user resolution -> Standart: Manual -> Pixels: 3520x1475, 165 HZ, then test it and add. After blinking you will have 165HZ and 10Bit with native resolution. I think this thing can be added by Dell on upcoming firmware update.

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