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This post is more than 5 years old


February 23rd, 2011 15:00

Aurora ALX noises

​Got my PC a couple of weeks ago and after some initial problems (thanks to Telsa for fixing it), I'm curious as to the noise it should be making. Even since I first turned it on it's had this noise and I have no idea what is causing it or even if it's normal. It's always there and after opening the case up I can only guess it's coming from the fan at the back connected to the CPU.​

​Managed to record it here: ​​​

​It's the default model currently up on the site. It's not a huge problem it's just a little distracting and would be even less distracting if I knew it was mean't to be there.​

9 Posts

February 23rd, 2011 15:00

Didn't record very well it seems, hard to tell because I have the noise in the background constantly, but it is there. I guess I'll get used to it eventually.

8 Wizard


17K Posts

February 23rd, 2011 19:00

Sounds like one of the fans.

Is everything tight and nothing is rubbing?

Are you sure it's the large radiator fan?

9 Posts

February 24th, 2011 03:00

It all seems connected fine, it's definitely coming from the radiator fan. 

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