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This post is more than 5 years old


October 4th, 2016 12:00

Aurora R5 static noise through the front panel headphone jack

I bought the Alienware Aurora R5 a few weeks ago. I noticed a loud static noise when using my headphones on the front panel audio jack. I know that the solution is to get a replacement the the part. That's what I did. And the sound is better.

But I can still hear some noise. It is not as loud. But it is there. When I plug my headphones on the back, there is no background noise.

So my question to the other Aurora R5 owners out there is: do you have a slight static noise like that, when plugging headphones in the front panel jack?

1 Message

October 4th, 2016 16:00

Yes I do... Just got my R5 today... and yea I have exactly the same issue.. the noise is not loud, but its annoying.

Had had to switch to the back port to sort it out.

Was trying to figure out if a driver update available... but none found with auto-update.

1 Message

October 4th, 2016 17:00

I have the same Problem, its not to bad when on the browsing on the internet but while trying to play a Mmorpg  such as World of Warcraft the static buzzing is louder and gets higher in pitch. What replacement part did you get? and was it easy to install yourself?

27 Posts

October 4th, 2016 22:00

This happened to a lot of people.  The solution is to get that panel replaced.  Call them and they should know exactly what's going on.  

Also check on your PSU fan being too loud.  That's another common problem that requires a hardware fix.

8 Posts

October 5th, 2016 11:00

@Keifis I had to call Dell to get the part replaced. I don't remember what is the name of the board exactly. But it's the board with 4 USB ports and 1 jack for a microphone, and 1 jack for headphones. The technical support guy at Dell could not tell me if I could replace the board myself. And the thing is, if you check through Dell's maintenance guide for the Aurora R5, they do not explain how to replace this particular part. So the technician that came in to do the work took 3 hours to finish the work on my computer. :(

@okumam like I said, I got the part replaced. But there is still some background noise. Did you get this part replaced yourself? What I am curious about, is if someone who had this part replaced still have some background noise or not. For me, the noise is definitely not as loud with the new part. But it is still there. If I plug my headphones in the back of the computer, there is zero noise. Did you have this part replaced yourself?

October 5th, 2016 12:00

maybe install a pcie soundcard and connect the front cable in to the soundcard and see if there is any interference then?

8 Posts

October 5th, 2016 21:00

@john-kimball44 hum that would be a good test, but I would not know how to do that. :(

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