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This post is more than 5 years old


March 5th, 2017 00:00

Aurora R6 Control Center Temperatures

Hey everyone,

On my new Aurora R6 it looks as though the CPU sensor temperature is reading out under the Ambient Sensor and not the CPU sensor. The fans seem to be running perfectly. It just looks like a display issue.

I just did a clean Windows 10 restore from the factory partition and the issue still exists...

Any ideas?

1 Message

June 20th, 2017 17:00

if you're ever looking to replace your laptop/computer you can just go to this site they have high quality laptops and other electronics at discounted prices

June 25th, 2017 19:00

Hi there nycibbyryder and 

I wanted to update my status.

Technician came, Replaced Motherboard and GPU, broke one of the CPU cooling screws and told me they will repair after i could confirm the computer problem has been fixed.

Computer problem still the same + cpu cooler screw all broke. 

Complained for many days in a row and now they are "assessing" if they will replace the computer. I hope they do and i hope this hellish experience doesn't start all over again.

Meet a guy who sells custom made computers and told me literally "come i can help you, i have many customer that had problems with Alienware, i made the same specs with lower price or better with same price" (exact words with broken english and all), rising my regrets on having bought this R6.

I will let you guys know what happens next. 

17 Posts

June 25th, 2017 20:00

June 25th, 2017 20:00

You know, Actually I considered it before, but then i thought, i would take me more time to go find the parts, find the right guys, put all together install etc. so i choose Alienware as a "reliable" fast option... now its been not even 2 months and still have issues... So the week i would have spent doing a custom cannot compare to this R6 crap.

I want to stay positive that they will replace it and the new one will be ok so i can change my tune towards the brand.

17 Posts

June 25th, 2017 20:00

Custom is always better imo. I'm in the process of returning my R6 back to stock so I can use it as a fancy office computer lol. But I did do some upgrades to my custom PC since I built it. 

17 Posts

June 25th, 2017 20:00

6 Posts

June 28th, 2017 06:00

My Aurora R6's ambient sensor is reading the CPU temperature, and vice versa.  For example, my ambient temp averages between 65-75 C at idle, while my CPU temp reads 32 C.  Obviously, this is a problem long term as the CPU fans don't kick in when they need to, especially during heavy computing!

I spoke to Dell tech support, and they ran this issue up to their Level 3 department.  This is what they said:

"I spoke to out level 3 department and they told me that its a software problem related to the ambient sensor. The ambient sensor is reading CPU temp and its normal the temperatures. They advised that we will release an update for the command center in September, we do not have a release date. But the fact is reading the temp backwards is not going to damage the system because even 74 C is a normal for the CPU. The fans will come on when are require to turn on. You can check if the command center has the settings to change the percentage of heat to turn on, but I am afraid we need to wait until the new release in September"

While I agree that 74 C at idle may not hurt the processor, heavy computing would send the temps higher and fans would not appropriately adjust.  They admitted that we should adjust command center to "change the percentage of heat to turn on", but did not offer instructions for how to do that.  Does anyone know how best to adjust fan speeds in control center?

Sounds like they have a fix coming in September.  I hope that's not too late!

17 Posts

June 28th, 2017 12:00

Youtube. You'll learn everything you need to know. Here's a start

Building a PC in the Corsair 570X Tempered Glass Case - YouTube 

17 Posts

June 28th, 2017 12:00

74c at idle is far from normal. I'd swap the fan curves around until September. My R6 idles at about 35C, my custom PC idles around 26C. Glad they have a fix coming though.

6 Posts

June 29th, 2017 07:00

Thank you!  In Control Center, I see that CPU Cooler is currently linked to the Ambient Sensor.  Is a temporary fix simply changing the CPU Cooler to link to the CPU Sensor?  Or are there any other fans to switch, settings to change?  Thanks

17 Posts

June 29th, 2017 10:00

The case temps will cool down as a side effect of the fans honestly. My goal here is to suck in cool air, use the CPU cooler to cool the processor, then use the top fan to exhaust the hot air. Mind the fact that the GPU is a blower style and will also suck air out of the case, which is why I have the front fan at a higher % than the top. I'm always messing with it though when I'm bored to try and balance cooling and noise better. My custom PC is set perfectly and I never have to mess with it. sigh.

17 Posts

June 29th, 2017 10:00

There's what mine looks like right now. 

6 Posts

June 29th, 2017 18:00

Thanks for the screenshots!  I put in the same settings and am currently getting:

  • CPU Sensor: 29 C
  • Ambient Sensor: 59 C
  • GPU Sensor: 34 C

Is that about what you're getting at idle?  I also notice that my fans are running alot longer than they used to.


1 Message

November 11th, 2017 23:00

I'm having this issue also, hopefully they have a update soon.

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