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This post is more than 5 years old


February 8th, 2016 12:00

Delay of Alienware X51

I placed my order on 1/31/2016, and then the Estimated Delivery is 2/22016 is placed on my order status. However, I didn't revived my computer in that day, so I contacted the sales persons and they told me it will shipped 2/4/2016. I accepted the answer. I did not received any shipping information on 2/4/2016. I contact the sales person again, and they said it will shipped 2/5/2016 as promise. I accepted it again. On 2/5/2016, I still don't  received any shipping information. Then, I call the sales person, and They said it will shipped in next 10 DAYS!!!!!!!!! Is this how DELL do business? if you guys can not make it on 2/2/2016, why posted on my order detail, and give me hope and disappointed me again and again. I am a collage student in engineer, and need my computer to do my engineer homework!  I just need a TURE Estimated Delivery Day, and hope it will ship

7 Technologist


4.4K Posts

February 8th, 2016 14:00


We are very sorry to hear about the inconvenience with your order. If the system is in the production state, we are only given an estimated delivery date which can change at any time. If a certain part is in back order (which is probably the reason for the delay) the estimated delivery date will keep changing until we receive the required part for your system configuration. Once we have all of the parts needed for your system, it gets shipped to you and we are provided with an estimated delivery date from FedEx that will confirm the date when you will receive the system. To check the status of your order, click on this link. 

1 Message

February 8th, 2016 15:00

I'm experiencing the same problem as you are. After being on the phone with Dell support for ~2 hours, including multiple transfers and generally very rude customer service reps, I finally reached someone who was empathetic and polite. They told me there is a parts shortage but could not tell me what part. I'm still trying to find this information out.

The parts shortage isn't what upset me, things like that happen.

It's the general lack of communication and absolutely horrible customer service that gets me upset.

Why not tell us there's a part shortage up front and that there will be a delay in completing our orders? Or even send us an email communication when the shortage issue has been identified. Instead we expect things to arrive on time and have to struggle with customer service to find out what is going on.

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