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July 27th, 2013 19:00

Insane Temps on my CPU

Well, I've had my computer for about a good 9-10 months now and I've had 1 hardware change that seemed to be okay, up until yesterday July, 26th, 2013. I noticed as soon as I started up my computer it started to sound like a jet taking off. I quickly checked the thermal control and noticed how pointless it was as it doesn't show any of the real temps from your CPU or GPU. I opened up speed fan, and almost fainted. My temps on all 6 cores where running at 80C- 110C ON IDLE! I was freaking out I thought my computer was going to melt or something. I turned the fan speeds up on my system through the CC but to no avail it wasn't going down. I turned off my computer and phoned Dell's tech support, had a tech remote test my computer and he said it might be my CPU pump failing. He said he will go ahead and send a new CPU pump out. I decided to go and take a look at it myself and try and clean all the dust out of it and see if that was the issue, but unfortunately I noticed that the tech that I had replacing my CPU put the CPU pump back on to tight and stripped 1 of the 4 screws that holds the pump onto your CPU. It's stuck there, with what seems to be a broken CPU pump. I took off the radiator and cleaned it up, plugged it back in and gave it a whirl and it seems to be a little cooler now all cores averaging around 65C- 80C which is still way to high for me especially during idle! I'm not a very tech savvy guy but I can usually learn pretty quick. I think it has something to do with the thermal paste that was put on during the CPU replacement. FYI the tech was the only one who touched the CPU and the pump. I also think it might be time to change the liquid in the pump itself as it seems to make a weird squirting noise every once in awhile, like it might be almost empty or something. I think the computer I received was a refurbished computer and seems to have problems more than just 1 time. I've had other problems with it regarding the parts being completely wrong when I purchased it. Thus why I had to get a hardware change, resulting in another issue. I really don't want to have them send me a new one, as I have all my data and everything on this computer. Although maybe it's a good idea to get a replacement as I don't know how the tech is going to be able to replace the CPU pump when the screw is stripped and won't come off. Hopefully there is a way I can get this fixed without having to replace the CPU pump, as the pump is running just really hot for some reason. All feedback is appreciated.

Current System Specs: 

Intel i7 3960x 6 Core CPU @3.3Ghz

16GB's 1600Mhz RAM

x1 NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680 2GB



I by no means have a "weak" computer so it can't be that it can't handle windows 7 LOL. If you need anymore info please let me know.

8 Wizard


17K Posts

July 28th, 2013 23:00

I think MIO-Board is ok because the rad-fan is ramping up (trying to keep up).

Astek unit is bad. Just have it replaced.

All sorts of possiblities... low on coolant, the fins are blocked in middle, pump is blocked or damaged, some other blockage, air-pocket, etc.

8 Wizard


17K Posts

July 27th, 2013 23:00

Try this:

I would replace whatever is stripped out (will have to soon-or-later anyway). If you have to get another Asetek unit, get a NEW Dell/AW OEM one and install with new thermal compond.

Also, see this to reset and test MIO-Board

21 Posts

July 28th, 2013 14:00

Alright, I have tried the second link and my MIO-Board seems to be working fine. Now for the first link, I think that might be the problem. Only issue is that the screws that hold that piece onto my CPU are stripped, and I don't want to touch them as it might void the warranty. I guess I have to wait for the tech to come out, I don't think he will be able to get it out though :(

8 Wizard


17K Posts

July 28th, 2013 20:00

Alright, I have tried the second link and my MIO-Board seems to be working fine. Now for the first link, I think that might be the problem. Only issue is that the screws that hold that piece onto my CPU are stripped, and I don't want to touch them as it might void the warranty. I guess I have to wait for the tech to come out, I don't think he will be able to get it out though :(

If you are under warranty, that's fine (but they would just replace the Asetek cooler ... not clean it). All those things should happen ... doesn't really matter who does them.

21 Posts

July 28th, 2013 20:00

Alright, little update on how it's going. I managed to get the CPU pump off, and cleaned it like they showed in the first post that tesla linked, there was that jelly stuff so I used a q-tip and cleaned it off, ALTHOUGH he did forget to mention that when you take the little silver tab off the CPU pump that make sure you hold it upward as the water will get everywhere. I put it all back to together and installed it all back onto the computer to see if it fixed it, hopefully it does :) wish me luck :p I'll keep you updated after I turn it on and everything.

21 Posts

July 28th, 2013 21:00

Update #2 - Alright, as for the cpu pump it's clean. I need to install CC to be able to use it though as it currently isn't running. The computer is trying to install CC as quick as it can at 100C so i'm hoping it works. This is the third time trying to install it, as it will not stay on long enough for CC to install completely. I'm currently stuck with a computer that barely turns on past log-in.

8 Wizard


17K Posts

July 28th, 2013 21:00

Pretty sure Asetek unit should be working without CC installed (but MIO-Board must be working).

Did you get it back on there flat and level? How much liquid spilled out? Is radiator fan turning around 4000rpm?

21 Posts

July 28th, 2013 22:00

Update #5 I managed to get the error code for the fan problem thing while running ePSA which I hope I was suppose to run, as I don't see a regular diagnostics thing to press. Here is the pics for that.

21 Posts

July 28th, 2013 22:00

I managed to get it on long enough to do some temp testing, before it shut off again. When I start the computer it gets loud and starts roaring like something is very wrong. Here's a few pics of the temps

sorry about them being crooked.

21 Posts

July 28th, 2013 22:00

Alright, so I took the part of the pump that attaches to the CPU off and put it back on nice and flat, thats on properly. I have tried to run the diagnostics in the boot menu but it shuts down before I get a chance to see what the results are for the MIO board. I have a feeling it's more than just an issue with my pump, I think it has to do with my main motherboard or something. Now that I have put it back on flat and properly it seems to be running nice and quiet although when I turn it on it shuts off just before I can type in my password to log-into windows. The water that came out was no more than a quarter cup just a little bit. I am going to try and purge the PSU as that might reset the MIO-Board hopefully giving me time to log-in and see what the temps are at and see if the pump is actually running.

2 Posts

July 28th, 2013 22:00


Your CPU temps are too high so your pump is still not working correctly.

Few questions

1. Did you put an appropiate level of thermal paste onto the contact between the pump and the block?

2. Did you top up the water supply? an airpocket in the system can prevent water flow 100% so you need to make sure as little air is in the unit as possible. a quater cup is more than enough to create an air pocket block. You can get deionised water from most garages (it's the same as battery water). This is CRITIAL

3. if you turn the system on for a second (turn it off sharpish as your cpu cooling is not working) can you hear the pump engage as well as the fan?

Generally speaking I think you have an airpocket causing the flow to be blocked

Please don't try to run the unit while you have cpu temps that high, you can cause serious damage to the cpu.

From your disctiption I would guess that their is an air pocket in the cooling loop, half a cup is pleanty to cause that please top up the system before you attempt to turn on the unit again.

generally speaking I have the same problem with the water pump, clearly a chronic problem with these units. My computer was left standing for 4 weeks while on holiday and now the pump is clearly completely blocked as all the units kick on (fan and pump can be heard) but the system heats up rapidly and one end of the pipe is very hot to the touch while the whole fan unit is room temperature.

21 Posts

July 28th, 2013 22:00

Radiator fan is also very quiet atm

21 Posts

July 29th, 2013 00:00

Alright, well I guess I'm just gonna have to wait for the replacement one to get shipped out, unfortunately I'd rather be the one to install it as I don't want another incident where my computer some how magically breaks after a few months before warranty expires. I'd rather have the pump shipped to my house along with a new set of screws and some thermal paste, and a little extra coolant liquid incase this issue happens again. Sadly, that is not how Dell works :( thanks though guys, I guess I'll wait :/

8 Wizard


17K Posts

July 29th, 2013 01:00

Oh, also (not sure if this helps)... the pump will run attached to 12v (don't have to install it)

8 Wizard


17K Posts

July 29th, 2013 01:00

If in the USA, I have heard of self-install parts. You might have some thermal compond and alcohol handy ... if Asetek unit doesn't come with pre-applied pad.

If it's going to take a long time and you want to mess with it (you sound very handy inside PC ... just hate to advise on things I haven't actually done myself)...

Use a long thin wire (or maybe a nylon tie-strap) to clean inside every fin.

Top off liquid with distilled water (the likely base). Not sure how you would blead system because it's designed to be sealed. Must keep all original non-gunky liquid.

Might be more info in Corsair forums and others who sell Asetek OEM units.


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