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This post is more than 5 years old


August 21st, 2011 15:00

Intermittent rattling / whining noise on Aurora R3

​I received my Aurora R3 about a month ago and generally it has performed very well. However I've noticed an intermittent but annoying rattling noise that comes and goes and seems to be coming from the area of the cooling pump fan.​

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​I've uploaded a video of it here: ​​​​ - the noise starts at around 0.07 into the video.​

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​Anything I can do about this, or is this an indication of something I should be worried about?​

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​Thanks for reading.​

September 7th, 2011 10:00

I have the same problem. I love how you got a response here....(sarcasm)

Anyone have any ideas?

757 Posts

September 8th, 2011 06:00

Hard to tell with the audio.

I had a rattling sound and rhythmic vibration that over time became worse. It turned out to be the video card fan bearings failing.

Open the case and next time you hear the sound touch the video card fan lightly in order to slow it down or stop it for a moment. If the sound/vibration stops then it is obviously the fan.

10 Posts

September 8th, 2011 12:00

In my case, it's not coming from the graphics card (although you can't tell that from the video) - it's coming from the liquid cooling radiator fans at the back of the case. It's noticeable after I've been playing a demanding game and then gone back to desktop.

The system itself has otherwise been rock solid with no problems whatsoever (apart from some freezes during Deus Ex Human Revolution, but that's due to the game rather than the system). My very wild guess is that it's due to harmonic vibrations in the case or something.

My specs by the way: i5 2500k, 4GB RAM, GTX 580, 256GB SSD.

431 Posts

October 13th, 2011 14:00

I had that issue, for me it was the locking mechanism on the back of the case (the metal switch that you can toggle to lock or unlock the side panel). Put a finger on it  when you hear the sound and see if it stops.

10 Posts

October 13th, 2011 14:00

I'm still having this problem. I've tried unscrewing and retightening the CPU fan and the cooling radiator, but the rattling noise persists. It's coming from the CPU fan at the back of the case. I tried phoning Dell support three times this evening, and each time I was told I was being put through to technical support but was disconnected after staying on hold for five minutes. I've now emailed Dell requesting that the fan be replaced.

10 Posts

October 13th, 2011 14:00

I'm still having this problem. I've tried unscrewing and retightening the CPU fan and the cooling radiator, but the rattling noise persists. It's coming from the CPU fan at the back of the case. I tried phoning Dell support three times this evening, and each time I was told I was being put through to technical support but was disconnected after staying on hold for five minutes. I've now emailed Dell requesting that the fan be replaced.

10 Posts

October 13th, 2011 15:00

Thanks C-ronic, but I tried that already-in my case it's to do with the CPU fan.

431 Posts

October 13th, 2011 15:00

Your welcome, I thought it would be worth a shot. Godspeed with getting it replaced. I know how frustrating Dell support is. :/

10 Posts

October 19th, 2011 09:00

Received a replacement liquid cooling assembly from Dell support yesterday, replaced the pump and fan and the new fan is a bit louder than the old one but it's a constant whirring noise rather than the horrible old chugging one so everything's OK.

10 Posts

October 20th, 2011 15:00

Unfortunately my replacement liquid cooling assembly is now making a loud buzzing noise:


1 Message

November 7th, 2011 22:00

Having this problem too.  Thanks alienware!

2.4K Posts

November 8th, 2011 01:00

It may be time to pull it and go aftermarket. To make a long long long looong story short mine ended up leaking and destroyed most of the components in the system. Took 2 months to get fixed and I ended up with my warranty refunded.

If you have little to no computer knowledge and this happens to you... well lets just say you will be up a creek.

757 Posts

November 8th, 2011 06:00

I replaced the stock cooler with a Corsair H80 water cooler. It works much better than the stock cooler by as much as 12C.

The H80 uses different mounts so you will need to remove the MOBO and replace the back plate in order to secure the new cooler. Not very difficult and the results are well worth it.

The H80 has three speed settings you can select and each setting has a varable speed range that adjusts the rpms within the speed setting you have selected.

Between the Alienware software and the cooler, Dell has limited your ability to protect your system. After-market coolers are the only way to go for now and are far superior to the stock coolers.

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