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This post is more than 5 years old


January 18th, 2016 18:00

Terrible customer servive

I have a M17xR4 Alienware laptop that's only 2 years old that won't turn on it only gives 7 beeps. When calling customer service. They told me there's nothing they can do for me. They can't fix it. I paid 2,000.00 for it 2 years ago and they say too bad. I will never order from this company again. Can somebody help? Does anybody have any ideas what it might be? Why Alienware won't fix it??

37 Posts

January 18th, 2016 22:00

7 beeps indicates a cpu failure. Warranty is 1 year. Sorry to hear but your going to need a new cpu and/or motherboard.

24 Posts

January 19th, 2016 08:00

Which country are you in? If it's the UK then you have some comeback on this. The PC should be fit for purpose and if it's not the Alienware have to do something about it, 2 years is not "fit for purpose" by anyone's definition of the term.

If you are in the UK use this page;k=569e57a8&c=Dell UK General Manager be firm but not abusive, the cost of their computers should mean they don't go 'boobs-up' after that length of time.

This forum won't be of any use to you in getting a satisfactory outcome as Dell's employees will come out with the generic excuse for why you have been ripped off. If you are in the States use the same site to find Dell's CEO over there and also CC it to Michael Dell

I certainly won't be replacing my Aurora R3 with a Dell or Alienware PC when the time comes that it has to go, much as I always wanted an Alienware computer I've seriously peed off with it and Dell

6 Posts

January 20th, 2016 13:00

Yep, I agree. dell has the worse customer service ever. I will never buy another comp from them.

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