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36 Posts


October 8th, 2022 23:00

x15 R2, 3DMark and tweaks

Alienware x15 R2

Alienware x15 R2

​Still tweaking more just wondering who is over 13k with their x15 R2?​

​Just want to share some tweaking info etc. Tips and more​

​Here she is and am still tweaking more I'd like to hit 13,500 but we'll see.​

​Gonna be hard with the current setting playing about an hour on Cyberpunk with no crashes. Might invest in a cooling pad and pull some temps down to get some higher clocks not sure. I'm about pretty well tweaked as it is.​


36 Posts

October 9th, 2022 08:00

I'll keep track of this thread just incase. Here is abit more info of what I have done:

Installed 2 P41 m.2 in a raid0 and a fresh install of Dells system recovery with Windows 11. Do all updates and install all Dell Alienware updates off the page as well and AWCC panel ew but needed.

Removed all bloatware from windows/dell.

One of the biggest installed NVinstaller (the only real way to install Nvidia drivers) using recommended settings. Tweak Nvidia Panel I can go more into detail if needed.

Installed my usual programs' office 365/steam/ discord/ msi afterburner/games is Mortal and Cyberpunk atm.

MSI Afterburner stable safe run +140/+500 this is a very stable and safe base setting.

2 Settings for this laptop 1. basic for just normal actives then a FN+1 for gaming hard core fun time mode.

I'll change this more and add on it if I see more ppl needing help with their x15 if you play your cards right you'll be up with with a x17 but lighter slimmer and just sleeeeek!

Cheers guys hit me up if you need any help.

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