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May 3rd, 2016 14:00

Appsync REST API -- non urgent query

(NOTE: I don't need answer in a hurry, the following is posted just to satisfy my curiosity, however, getting an answer will be appreciated)


I am looking at the xml output of a service plan and see last modification time entries in many places within the plan.

While I understand the reasoning behind it but I don't see anything in the AppSync UI that gives me the similar information.

So what is the purpose of such entry? Can it be skipped if one was setting up a service plan as POST operation via xml payload?

If it is required how is the integer value derived in the sample output below?

If I try to convert the number 1459173881907 in PowerShell to date/time format it gives me Jan 02, 1601 date!!!


  Mon 03/28/2016 10:04:41 AM

# $x=1459173881907

# [DateTime]::FromFiletime([Int64]::Parse($x))

Tuesday, January 02, 1601 11:31:57 AM

May 3rd, 2016 14:00

Sorry...can't help with everything...but as for the time stamp...Is that date Epoch time?

which I believe translates into:

Assuming that this timestamp is in milliseconds:

GMT: Mon, 28 Mar 2016 14:04:41.907 GMT

Your time zone: 3/28/2016, 10:04:41 AM GMT-4:00 DST

Does that sound like the right date/time?  (its kind of old)

can it be skipped when when setting up a new Service Plan...I would say "yes"...but the experts may have something more to say!

14 Posts

May 3rd, 2016 14:00

Hello Jay,

Thank you for your answer. Yes this time sounds about right.

OK, so now I have to hunt down powershell utility to convert epoch time to Windows Time.

Thank you again.

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