1 Rookie
5 Posts
When running ansible script on the Powerstore it doesn't the pypowerstore python library when running
I am trying to create a file system using the ansible script from the Github and when I run it I receive the error " msg: Ansible modules for Powerstore require the PyPowerStore python library to be installed. Please install the library before using these modules.". I have seen the other post similar to this problem (https://www.dell.com/community/en/conversations/automation/powerstore-ansible-question/647fa338f4ccf8a8de908aa6?commentId=647fa37ef4ccf8a8de9666ad) and the fix did not work because it said that the requirements are already satisfied then listing its location when running the pip install command again. Is there a way to force the Ansible script to look at the location of the site-contents python file that has the PyPowerStore?
Thank you,
Isaac Tufts
1 Rookie
1 Rookie
5 Posts
July 18th, 2024 17:17
Sorry I forgot to mention I am using Pypowerstore 3.3.0, Ansible 2.15.3, and Python 3.11.5.
1 Rookie
1 Rookie
42 Posts
August 21st, 2024 18:42
@Isaac12. I am guessing this could be due to the python path issue. Are you running the playbook using a python virtual environment? Could you please post the verbose (-vvv) output of the ansible-playbook command? For e.g.,:
$ ansible-playbook -vvv playbook.yaml -i inventory