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October 16th, 2012 02:00

Oracle Plugin Backup is failing

Hi All ,

I am getting the below error message for the Oracle Plug in backup , backup is getting completed with exception .

2012-10-15 18:20:02 avoracle Error <7934>: Snapup of ddx aborted due to rman terminated abnormally - check the logs

2012-10-15 18:20:02 avoracle Info <7384>: Getting the oracle_home for plmv6tst

2012-10-15 18:20:02 avoracle Info <7390>: Found Service Name (SID): plmv6tst ORACLE_HOME: /u06/app/oracle/product/

2012-10-15 18:20:02 avoracle Info <7276>: runflags.orahome=/u06/app/oracle/product/

2012-10-15 18:20:02 avoracle Info <7950>: No codepage specified

2012-10-15 18:20:02 avoracle Info <7783>: Setting spawn user/group ( )

2012-10-15 18:20:02 avoracle Info <7953>: Username set to "oracle

Client server : AIX 5.3

Attaching the complete error log .

1 Attachment

544 Posts

October 20th, 2012 20:00

Hi RohitNayal,

I can see from the log that backup fails with the error ORA-19511, here are some reasons for this failure:

1- The /var/avamar directory does not have correct permissions required to starta backup.

     The /var/avamar directory must have read, write, and execute permissions.For Avamar 4.1.100 and later, correct permissions are set for this directoryduring the RMAN plug-in installation. For Avamar 4.0.x and earlier, you mustmanually change the permissions to 777 at the directory level.


2- Either RMAN or libobk cannot locate avtar

     The allocate channel command in the RMAN backup or restore script mustinclude AVAMARHOME/bin as the PATH variable or includebindir="/usr/local/avamar/bin".This requirement applies to Avamar 4.1.105 and later

3- An Oracle instance is running as a nonstandard user or group.

     To determine if Oracle is installed as a nonstandard user or group, check the file permissions for the Oracle home directory. For example:

cd /home/oracle/oracle/product/10.2.0/db_1/oradatals -l

total 28

drwxr-x--- 2 oracle oinstall 4096 Aug 26 2009 cataloged

drwxr-x--- 2 oracle oinstall 4096 Mar 9 18:05 db2

drwxr-xr-x 2 oracle oinstall 4096 Mar 30 17:21 orcl

drwxr-xr-x 2 oracle oinstall 4096 Mar 30 16:26 orcl.w

drwxr-xr-x 2 oracle oinstall 4096 Mar 10 15:50 plargedb

drwxr-xr-x 2 oracle oinstall 4096 Feb 6 16:20 plargedb.w

-rw-r--r-- 1 oracle oinstall 696 Dec 28 16:58 sqlnet.log

In the example, oracle is the user and oinstall is the group.If a user other than oracle installs the Oracle database, the

avoracle program must use the --storageapp_username=USERNAME option. For example, if the usernamed emc installs the Oracle database, USERNAME is emc.

Hope this helps you,

Ahmed Bahaa

307 Posts

October 16th, 2012 08:00

The backup seems to be failing with error :

sbtwrite2: I/O error writing to file

Please check if there is sufficient free memory during the backup process.

20 Posts

October 24th, 2012 09:00

Hi Ahmed ,

Thanks for your suggestion issue with Permissions

544 Posts

October 24th, 2012 14:00

Glad that this solved your problem


Ahmed Bahaa

1 Message

November 23rd, 2014 00:00

HI ,

In my case , i was receiving the same problem , i checked the backup with another instance on the same machine worked ,where the filesys backups also happening . the 1st DB(instance) only gives me problem i.e "avoracle Error <7934>: Snapup of purstg aborted due to Terminated by Administrator"

Re-framing the question - how to handle two different paths for two different instances on the same machine

i tried fooling avoracle by manually adding both the paths to oratab file . then it started showing-up in the dataset GUI and the backups and restore gui.

but backup never happened

?how can i receive a successfull backup on second home path of 2nd instance

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