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This post is more than 5 years old


May 21st, 2014 13:00

Replication Counts for Version 7

We are almost complete with our upgrade to Avamar  v7 ...

Once done...  I would like to switch replication from using scripts to using the Console...

Yet...  I see a problem!  We use a EMC script called  This script compares the

number of backups on the source and the target.... This helps us manage the replications...

This script doesn't appear to work very well when replication is run from the console...

Does EMC have a newer script that works with Avamar V7?


Joe Despres

498 Posts

May 22nd, 2014 08:00

it works ok for me.

how do you run it and what issue do you have.

I had to do 2 different things to get my emails report working again.

I had opend a ticket with EMC about it and he was no help, but I saw what he was looking at and was able to figure out how to change my cron job to make it work.

176 Posts

May 22nd, 2014 19:00

You have your replication all being run from and controlled from the v7 Avamar Console?  And you are getting data from the script?

498 Posts

May 23rd, 2014 06:00

yes I wend from cron to scheduled in the console

and the script stopped working

I opened a ticket

he was no help

I figured out why it broke and I fixed mine.

I now realize I should not have had to fix it on my own.

Let me go back and document what I had to do.  I will put that here

and maybe Ian Anderson can submitit to get fixed or I can open a enhancement ticket for it to be fixed

223 Posts

May 23rd, 2014 06:00

Is this script a standard Avamar script or is this selfmade?

Can you post this script here perhaps, I would be interessted in this.

2K Posts

May 23rd, 2014 06:00

Well... replcnt is a support tool. I know a lot of people use it but it was never really intended for end-users.

Engineering and the product managers know replication reporting is a pain point right now. There are ongoing discussions around getting proper replication reporting integrated into the core product instead of relying on tools developed for support.

In the meantime, if the changes are straightforward I can send them off to my colleague who maintains the replcnt script.

498 Posts

May 23rd, 2014 07:00

First Warning:  changing a script that comes with Avamar is not suggested as it might be used for something else and you could break something.  And when you upgrade next it most likely will get overwritten and you lose those changes.

Coping it to a new name and changing it is just as dangerous as you might still cause issues, or when you upgrade your script stops working and you have to remember that you started with theirs and might have to go back and use there new one.

With that said;

When you go to the Scheduled based Replication jobs one of the things you are supposed to do is rename the file


this is because in the EM if this is there and cron replication has not run the EM will tell you it has not run and you get that RED X.

this is the suggested rename  " mv repl_cron.cfg x-repl_cron.cfg-

Note:  with this you have to stop and restart the em and the mcs

the issue is the reads that file to get some variables.  when you rename this, fails because it cannot find the info for those variables.

so you either have to leave the cfg file or you have to change the script to read the renamed file.

or you have to put in the variables when you run the script like this

  1. --dpnname=sourcegridhostname --dstaddr=destgridhostname

but you have to figure out what it is getting from the cfg file and what the variables are -this option is harder to do.


beyond here it was more of my already custom email that had to be fixed.

that is why I asked you what errors are you getting.

is it telling you it cannot find the variables

or is it giving you bad numbers?

176 Posts

May 27th, 2014 16:00

Yeah the cat is out the bag for this script along with proactive_check

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