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1 Rookie


112 Posts


September 10th, 2024 07:58

VRTX SSD Drive compatibility

Hi all,

We are trying to find a list of SAS SSD compatible drives but I don't find nothing. What we want are 1.2TB and 2.4TB or similar SAS SSD drives to improve performance as actually we are using SAS HDD drives.

Thank you in advance,



8.8K Posts

September 10th, 2024 12:13

There isn't a customer facing list of drives, as that list would be constantly changing. Also, I am not seeing any drives as small as a 1.2TB, as the smallest SSD listed for the VRTX is a 1.6 TB SAS SSD part # 0MXR2.  As far as the 2.4TB, there isn't one that size, there is a 1.92 SAS SSD part # 4CN85 or a 3.2 SAS SSD part # 63GYR.
Let me know if this helps.
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