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This post is more than 5 years old


September 23rd, 2010 08:00

Exception error with GetClusterInfo function in .NET Wrapper

I am trying to test with the sample function "GetClusterInfo" provided in the .NET wrapper which I downloaded from

I passed in  "" as the clusterAddress. I have put all the .pea files, .dll files and .NET wrapper .dll file in the same Bin folder that the project can reference to. I also added the Bin folder path to the environment variable.

The problem is that I am getting an exception error: error string: "FP_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED_ERR" message: "Failed to authenticate PEA data". Am I using the wrong .pea file? Am I using the wrong cluster address? How can I verify I am using a working cluster? I tried to use JCenteraVerify but I am on Windows environment.

Please help!

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417 Posts

September 23rd, 2010 10:00

Have you downloaded the latest PEA file for that cluster? Full details of the PEA files and IP addresses are contained on the Public Cluster information pages of this site.

Regarding testing using the tools, you should be able to use JCASScript or JCenteraVerify under most OS environments (as Java is available for all major platforms).

6 Posts

September 23rd, 2010 13:00

Hi, thank you so much for the prompt response.

I am sure I am using the current IP and .pea files. I think the problem is I am not sure if my project is locating the .pea files.

My question is that where should I place the .pea files? Should I place the .pea files in the output path, meaning where the .exe is? or should I place it under C drive and have it pointing to\\us3profile1_rdqeDcw.pea ?

Please help!

417 Posts

September 30th, 2010 03:00

Well if it is a problem of not being able to locate it, then specifying the full path would tell you that. Have you tried doing that?

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