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This post is more than 5 years old



July 22nd, 2011 20:00

CX3-10c Flare Upgrade from 24 to 26?

​I performed a CX3 flare upgrade from version 24 to 26 recently using Unispere Service Manager.​

​Upgrade was successfully and (COMMIT REQUIRED) was shown on the unisphere service manager.​

​However, I cannot do any commit in unisphere service manager.​

​I logged into the SPA of my CX3 and cannot find any commit option either?​

​My questions are:​

​1. How to commit the flare upgrade?​

​2. Any downtime required when I do the commit?​

​Thank you!​

1 Rookie


20.4K Posts

July 23rd, 2011 05:00

try with navicli , from command line first list packages:

navicli -h SPA ndu -list

and then commit packages that has not been committed yet

navicli -h SPA ndu -commit

no downtime required

3 Posts

July 23rd, 2011 06:00

Thank you for replying.

If I don't do the commit, what happens to my flare version.

I had verified and it's version 26 already.

Also, you mention no downtime, so I suppose both SP will not reboot during commit and hence will not affect my hosts that is connecting to the CX?

1 Rookie


20.4K Posts

July 23rd, 2011 09:00

if you don't commit ..everything will run just fine, you just can't make any configuration changes (like creating new LUNs). Commit is non disruptive,  you are simply confirming that you want this flare version ..once you commit you can't go back to 24.

July 23rd, 2011 20:00

In addition to the CLI as dynamox has posted, if you prefer to do the commit from a GUI environment, from within Navisphere Manager, you can also commit packages from the "Software" tab as follows:

1) Log into Navisphere Manager

2) Right-click on array icon (by default, it is the serial number of the array)

3) Choose "Properties"

4) Select the "Software" tab

5) Highlight the package "FLARE-Operating-Environment"

6) Click on the "Commit" button

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