2 Posts
Subject about Power Protect DD, veeam and encryption
Hi teams,
On a backup project with Veeam , prerequisites need to encrypt data on target. Knowing that deduplication does not go well with encryption, it seems that the best solution is to enable ecryption feature on DD itself.
I d like to have somme feedback about it and especially about performance metrics.
the only information that i have is thats 15 to 20% overhead..... correct ?
393 Posts
April 17th, 2023 02:00
The thing is that it might be difficult to see what the impact is, depending on how you use the DD. Are you referring to overhead wrg to performance or storage consumption?
You got the percentages from the KB https://www.dell.com/support/kbdoc/en-us/000019875?lang=en "Dell EMC Data Domain Encryption - Frequently Asked Questions"?
That one is a pretty good start, to get some ideas to implement DARE (data at rest).
The thing is, that you enable it or not. So if it is required, it is simply to take any hot it results in for granted.
"Encryption performance
Question: What is the observed impact on storage consumption when encryption is used?
Answer: It's negligible with roughly 1 percent overhead associated with storing some encryption parameters with user data.
Question: What is the observed impact on throughput (writes and reads) when Data at rest encryption is used?
Answer: The impact on ingest throughput when encryption is used can vary with the protocol and platform. In general, the following percentages are conservative performance degradations in aggregate throughput:
CBC Mode
First Full: ~10% performance degradation on WRITEs
Incremental: ~5% performance degradation on WRITEs
Restores: 5 - 20% performance degradation on READs
GCM Mode
First Full: 10 - 20% performance degradation on WRITEs
Incremental: 5 -10% performance degradation on WRITEs
Restores: 5 - 20% performance degradation on READs
Note that these numbers are specific to overhead of data at rest encryption (over the wire encryption is accounted separately)"
https://www.delltechnologies.com/asset/en-us/products/data-protection/industry-market/h18559-dell-emc-powerprotect-dd-series-appliances-encryption-software.pdf might also be of interest.