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This post is more than 5 years old


November 12th, 2015 04:00

Move Sql db

I mistakenly installed SQL on my C:\ drive and it has now filled up.  I would like to move it to the D: drive but cannot find instructions on how to do that.  I had them at one time, but cannot find them now.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


1K Posts

November 13th, 2015 01:00

Hi KBeau,

Do you want to move then entire SQL setup or just point it to new location now?

It would be best to make a db backup and then reinstall it a new location. Then connect the db backup again. That should make OME up and running. Though if you google about "Changing install location of SQL after installing once", you will point multiple methods to do it.

387 Posts

November 13th, 2015 05:00

I would like to do it the easiest way possible.  I've seen instructions for 'redirecting' it, but I'm not confident at all trying that.

I am not all together worried about losing the current db to tell you the truth, so maybe just reinstalling it to my D: partition and creating a new sql db there would be easiest.

Thank you!

387 Posts

November 13th, 2015 06:00

Now, of course, when I open OME it is trying to make a connection to the sql db (I'm assuming the old one in the old location).  How do I make it connect to the new db in the new location?  It won't take the credentials I used when creating the new db.


November 13th, 2015 13:00

Hi Kbeau,

Hope you have taken the backup of the database as suggested by Pupul.

If I understand this correctly, you have performed the following steps till now:

1. Take the backup of the OME database.

2. Uninstall the SQL Server from C drive and reinstall it on D drive with same instance name.

(Or you just want to move the database files from C drive to D drive? In this case, you can use detach/attach database functionality i.e. detach the db, move the database files to new drive, attach the database again, so that database space on C drive is freed up).

3. Restored the database from the backed up copy taken during step 1.

After the above steps, are you getting any message unable to connect to database and on clicking OK, are you getting screen with title Database connection setup with provision to enter DB credentials again?

If not (instead getting SQL Server inaccessible message), try following the steps 4 and 5 mentioned in this whitepaper - "Dell OpenManage Essentials Database" @ Dell Techcenter OME wiki page.

Let us know if this helps.



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