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This post is more than 5 years old



September 21st, 2008 08:00

24" Monitor with XPS420

Hello everyone,


Just a quick query, I'm thinking of getting my hands on a new monitor:

and was wondering about gaming with this. I've got an XPS420, which can run Crysis pretty well (on my current 19" monitor.) So my question is, if I get a 24" monitor, will I notice a significant performance hit, or will it run roughly as well as it does at the moment?


My spec

XPS 420 with Vista (32 bit)

Intel Quadcore 2.4Ghz CPU 


Nvidia 8800GT 512MB GPU



Thanks in advance for the advice,


14.4K Posts

September 21st, 2008 12:00

The larger the monitor the harder a video card has to work to provide the exta pixals need for the bigger resoultions. If your current card can support the resoultion of the 24 " then the picture will look larger and appear to be better.

As to perfromance no. A monitor will not affect overall performance. But I bet it will still look a whole lot better. 

592 Posts

September 21st, 2008 19:00

@EDtheHead6445 wrote:
... and was wondering about gaming with this. I've got an XPS420, which can run Crysis pretty well (on my current 19" monitor.) So my question is, if I get a 24" monitor, will I notice a significant performance hit, or will it run roughly as well as it does at the moment?

If you run the SAME resolution at you used for the 19"monitor everything should be the same.


However if you increase the resolution.....   From like say 1024 by 768   

to  1600 by 900  to match a better monitor you will get a performance hit.


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