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This post is more than 5 years old



August 6th, 2000 23:00

Backward 7's

For about 6 months as I surf the web, different pages on the internet, the text on the screen suddenly turns to what looks like a lot of little backward 7's or a foreign language such as Hebrew. The headline text dous not change, just the little text under it. If I wave the mouse cursesr over the text it changes back to the correct text. It's driving me crazy. about 6 different tech's have different idea's what is wrong and none of them worked. One of them had me alter the system registry which of course resulted in that I had to reformat my hard drive and re-install everything but the backward 7's did not go away. Can anyone help?????? George

1.1K Posts

August 8th, 2000 02:00


You need to do two things: update your video BIOS and your video drivers. This will correct the text issue.

You can get the BIOS here and the drivers here.

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