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April 24th, 2008 06:00

Best way to OC the 630i



I'm recently trying to OC my 630 to around 3ghz. I have red about it, and it should be easy doable with stock volt and cooler.

But as i tried, i coudn't do it the old way.. trough the bios. Simply because i can't find anything there that alows me to adjust the FSB...  I can change the volt, the mem, etc.. but not the FSB


So i tried the Nvidia tool.. but that is really anoying. I reached 2.7ghz with no prb, but as soon as i hitted 2.8, it still loaded to windows.. but then the whole screen just froze and you coudn't do anything. The only way to undo it, was to go to save mode and delete the profile you made in the Nvidia tool.


Have any of you have experience with Oc'ing your 630 and what result did you get? And especially, how did you managed to get it?


Kind regards,


347 Posts

April 24th, 2008 06:00

Dont use Nvida to OC anything. Use RivaTuner to Oc you video card.

Use your bios to OC your cpu and ram. 


In bios you need to unlink your fsb to oc. 

121 Posts

April 24th, 2008 16:00

Xencupio, you should be able to get what I am for 3DMark06 easily, just look at my sig. I have pretty much same hardware as you. Before you post next time, please do a search on the forums. There have already been thousands of threads with the same question as you. Please just look around. They even give you step by step pretty much. Looks like you didn't "red" enough, lol. Here are some threads you should look at:


Overclocking XPS 630

XPS 630i- NEED HELP!!!

XPS 630- Ruski07- Quick Reply plz <-- look at this one for sure, shows my pics of my BIOS and CPUz results)

I recommend reading ALL of those, you'll learn a lot, BUT...if you're too lazy, then just follow this setup and you should be good.

CPU Features:

C1E Function- set to 'Disabled'

Speedstep- set to 'Disabled'


Overclock Voltage:

CPU Core: 1.4v

CPU FSB: 1.4v

Mem: 2.1v

Chipset: auto


Overclock Configuration:

FSB Mem-Clk Mode- set to 'unlinked'

FSB QDR- for starters, set to '1420'

Mem DDR- (your sig doesn't tell me anything, just 3 Gb, so add in what kind of ram it is, as in what speed, and model---ex. pc6400 @ 800MHz, or pc5300 @ 667MHz) if 667, don't really change it, if 800, you can up it to '900'

PCI Bus slots- set to either '101' for both, or '102' for both, from original at 100.


Memory Timing Setting:

set to 'expert'

change top 5 settins from auto to '5-5-5-15-2T', can leave rest on auto for now.

Try that for now and see what happens. If it doesn't post, your gonna have to reset the CMOS (page 95 of the XPS user manual booklet), and if it posts (post is when the Dell Logo screen comes up) but it freezes when loading Windows, then you're going to have to lower either the FSB or the mem. Please post what kind of RAM you have so I would know exactly, whether you should raise it's MHz or just leave it, because "3 GB DDR2" doesn't mean anything, except that it's dual-channel. I don't care 'how much' of it you have, just about the speed (MHz), and the make/model ( you can open up the computer and try looking at the RAM itself inside, you might be able to read the sticker on it, and it should say the mem timings and mem voltage for that ram right on the sticker, as well as the make and the speed.

Hope that this helps.

Disclaimer: all systems overclock differently, and you might not get it to work on the first time. Have patience


ps. you should still read those articles. All of the knowledge I have gained about OC'ing I credit to DCF user


xps420OC - he's helped me OC my system.

121 Posts

April 24th, 2008 17:00

@skimmy1 wrote:
Ruski07 I prime95 blend at least 12 hours to test memory. And 15 hours small FFTs for the cpu.
So what are your temp values?

121 Posts

April 24th, 2008 17:00

Mine is 10:13 right now, as you can see up there. That's because I have my FSB set to 1450, and my RAM set to 950 right now. I will probably try starting all over again though, and see if I can get it better, will post about that tomorrow. I'm REALLY happy for you that you have the 800MHz instead of the 667MHz that is stock quality. Is it the Corsair Dominator ram, or just the DELL 800MHz ram?

As for the "tweaktool for the FSB in the bios", you're ARE, jk. I'm fooling w/ you, lol,:smileyvery-happy: don't take it serious (good to know that you're not lazy, lol :smileyvery-happy: )

Okay, anyways,


When you comp comes up w/ the Dell Logo screen, you press F2 to enter BIOS.

RIGHT WHEN BIOS opens up, it should be on the "MAIN" tab, which should have something like a bunch of info, and where you can change the Date & Time. use the -> arrow(right) and scroll until you get to the tab that has the following categories listed on it (I'm on my laptop at college so I can't look at what exactly it has, sorry):

-CPU Feature

-Integrated Periphials or something like that

-Something-something else

and then, the last 2 things listed are

-Overclock Configuration

-Overclock Voltages or something like that


Those last 2, and the CPU Feature, those are what you use to OC your sys. Look at my first post to you- it has the name of each category, and then what you need to change in that category

(ex. quote-

"CPU Feature:

C1E Function- set to 'Disabled'

Speedstep- set to 'Disabled' " - that means go to the CPU Feature category, hit 'Enter', and then in THAT section the only 2 things you should change are the c1e function and speedstep, which you need to disable both. Does it make sense so far? So then what you do, is follow the same procedure, and do that for everything I told you in my first post. Here are some pics of my BIOS (they are before I changed the FSB to 1450, and DDR to 950, but besides those 2 settings, everything on my comp is the same right now):


Your 6-6-6-18-2T did you set that yourself, or is that what it's at on auto? Does the sticker on your RAM have the timing listed? 


347 Posts

April 24th, 2008 17:00

Ruski07 I prime95 blend at least 12 hours to test memory. And 15 hours small FFTs for the cpu.

16 Posts

April 24th, 2008 17:00

Overclock Configuration:

FSB Mem-Clk Mode- set to 'unlinked'

FSB QDR- for starters, set to '1420'

Mem DDR- (your sig doesn't tell me anything, just 3 Gb, so add in what kind of ram it is, as in what speed, and model---ex. pc6400 @ 800MHz, or pc5300 @ 667MHz) if 667, don't really change it, if 800, you can up it to '900'

PCI Bus slots- set to either '101' for both, or '102' for both, from original at 100.

I have PC2-6400 indeed @800 mhz 

Also i red 2/3 of the artikels you provided. Indeed very interesting stuff said. (no im not lazy :P)


I just coudn't find the propper tweaktool for the FSB in the bios :-\  Perhaps im blind.

Anyway, thanks alot for your comment, i will test it out asap.


Also, how is your FSB:DRAM? Mine is at 2:3  6-6-6-18-24 2T

I know that 1:1 is the best way to go, how can you change it?


Kind regards, 

121 Posts

April 24th, 2008 17:00

I'm don't know that much about using Prime95, but I ran it last night on the Blend, w/ 4 worker threads, and had it do that for about 4 hours I think. Then I turned it off and went to sleep, at 4:30 in the morning :smileywink:

347 Posts

April 24th, 2008 17:00

Ruski07 Have you prime95 that oc? Blend or Small/Large FFTs. and how long on each?

121 Posts

April 24th, 2008 17:00

If you're doubting whether my system is 'stable' at those settings, then you have good reason to. I am not an OC expert, and I really don't know how to tell if it's stable there or not. So far though, from what I've done w/ it, it seems stable to me. I played Crisis w/ everything on highest @ 1440x900 res, and fraaps running, and I was getting like 15-40ish FPS. Could someone help me test my sys to make sure it really is stable? Thanks.

347 Posts

April 24th, 2008 18:00

At 3.2 my temp idle is 33-37c while prime95 running small FFTs around 55-60c


Im not saying your not stable or anything. I was just curious. 

I was able to get 3.2 at 1.35v on core and fsb but failed prime after 6 hours. 

Im stable at 3.2 @ 1.4v core and 1.35v fsb.  Just wondering maybe if i up my fsb to 1.4 if i can maybe go to 3.3 or 3.4. with an aftermarket cooler.

Message Edited by skimmy1 on 04-24-2008 03:48 PM

105 Posts

April 24th, 2008 20:00

I'm also doing some OC'ing. Currently just the CPUs @ 3.00 GHz.



Your 6-6-6-18-2T did you set that yourself, or is that what it's at on auto? Does the sticker on your RAM have the timing listed?


I also have the stock Dell 800MHz memory and CPU-Z says (insert graphic):
CPU-Z Before OC of Memory
And my stickers all say the same:
Which means?

597 Posts

April 24th, 2008 21:00

maybe i'm missin' somethin' here:)  wouldn't be the first time.  BUT, when i first started oc'n my 630, all i did was move the multiplier to 10 to get 3.33 and then to 11 to get 3.67.  i didn't fiddle with any voltages or anything else except the mem voltage.  3.67 wasn't stable but i didn't tweek with it.  3.33 was and i didn't tweek with it.


maybe i up the volts at the 11 multiplier and then start fiddlin' with the fsb..??..??..??


Any thoughts?





597 Posts

April 24th, 2008 21:00

Hey Ruski,


Doesn't the C1E and Speed Step features start out disabled?  they did on mine:)  just curious.





597 Posts

April 24th, 2008 22:00

thanx dev, didn't know you 6600 boyz couldn't unlock yer multiplier.




that's what i'm wondering???  man you tweek the fsb a bit, up the volts and then pop that multiplier up, we may be onto somethin'.  the article i read basically said do the least amount as possible tweekin' wise to get the cpu up.  first thing out of the gate was change the multiplier and then test!  if you do it that way i think the fsb is more for fine tuning..??..??....  who knows i could be wrong, i'm a rookie:)


NE1 got any idea how much the mobo in this rig will take?

347 Posts

April 24th, 2008 22:00

@Mr. Scary wrote:

maybe i'm missin' somethin' here:)  wouldn't be the first time.  BUT, when i first started oc'n my 630, all i did was move the multiplier to 10 to get 3.33 and then to 11 to get 3.67.  i didn't fiddle with any voltages or anything else except the mem voltage.  3.67 wasn't stable but i didn't tweek with it.  3.33 was and i didn't tweek with it.


maybe i up the volts at the 11 multiplier and then start fiddlin' with the fsb..??..??..??


Any thoughts?





Interesting. That Makes me want to ask. Is it better to leave the multiplier at x9 And raise the FSB.
Or Raise the multiplier  to x10 or x11 and leave the fsb alone.
Maybe someone should make a new topic with that question. Im gonna go do some googling on that. 
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