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This post is more than 5 years old


February 14th, 2008 09:00

Dell Dimension 3100 Audio Driver Problem

earlier midnight, my pc "died" and i was forced to reinstall a clean version of windows xp. unfortunatley i misplaced by windows xp sp2 disc and the only option i was left with was a sp1 disk from years back. i reinstalled windows installed video card/chipset/video files/network, and everything was going fine until i restarted my pc to finish installing the sigmatek files for my pc. Thats when i got an error message stating "your version does not support this audio file" (something along those lines). I tried restarting, reinstalling the file, but no dice. Does anyone have any suggestions?
The only thing i could think of was maybe the sp1 os isnt compatible with the audio file (
^that being the one i downloaded and tried installing. Any help/advice would be good.

some pc info: dell dimension 3100
os: microsoft xp professional version 2002 (sp1)

thanks in advance for any advice or tips that can help me solve my problem. the beeping noise i get instead does get annoying after the 50th beep..

a screenshot i took of the error message i got, hopefully it might help find whats wrong.
Message Edited by jaychoustyle on 02-14-2008 05:37 AM

6.4K Posts

February 14th, 2008 19:00

I don't know about the Sigmatel file, but your D3100 is likely having problems.  The D3100 has a PCI-Express bus, albeit a X1, and I believe you need the drivers in SP-2 for it to work properly.  Try the SP-2 update and then your Sigmatel.

February 15th, 2008 00:00

you got to have this as well

Try this see if it works. ;)

February 15th, 2008 03:00

Thanks so much installing the sp2 update did the trick.

6.4K Posts

February 15th, 2008 12:00

Happy I could help.  Good luck!


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