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This post is more than 5 years old


January 26th, 2012 02:00

Dell Studio XPS 435MT Case Problem


  I'm facing some problems with my Dell Studio XPS 435MT case's cooling. Everything has started after changing my video card Ati Radeon HD4850 to HD6870. When I'm playing video games the game starts getting stuck and then I get a blue screen error  which is saying "A clock interrupt was not received a secondary processor within the time interval." I thought that my RAMs are causing this problem. I changed my RAMs to Corsair Vengeance 8GB 2x4 DDR3 1600 MHz but the problem still continues.

  I tried a different thing to identify whether my problem is in my case's cooling or not. I opened my case's left  side cover and it works! Without opening my case's cover the GPU temperature gets to 90C but when I open it GPU temperature  falls down to 78C. Now I want to change my case to Cooler Master HAF 912 and I would like to ask that is it possible to swap Dell 435MT motherboard from my case to Cooler Master HAF 912.

My current system is;

Intel Core i7 920 2.67GHz

Corsair Vengeance 8GB 2x4 DDR3 1600MHz

Ati Radeon HD6870

Thermaltake 550W TR-2 RX PSU

Looking for your reply,

Thank You.

12 Posts

August 24th, 2012 02:00

Hello Wreks,

  Sounds good!  So far I have been running the computer without the backplate and it seems to provide better airflow through the case haha.  Thank you for your suggestion though... I will let you know how it goes when I try it!


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