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This post is more than 5 years old


May 5th, 2001 17:00

e support

When our hard drive crashed we had to have a new one installed, now when we start the computer we get a message that e-support cant work, when the tech people e-mailed me an address to get a fix, it wont open, and even if it did, what am I looking for?
Has this happened to anyone and what did you do?

580 Posts

May 5th, 2001 18:00

The driver for the e-support button is part of Dell Service Center. You can install the version from your applications CD (\apps\DSC) or download a more recent version from Downloads for your Dell. If you want to install the driver only (the e-support button would be useless without Support Center), it is on the CD in \apps\DSC\Support\metdrvr.

Bill Snyder
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