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This post is more than 5 years old



June 20th, 2005 15:00

How to activate com ports

I have Dimension 8300 running XP Home. I need to use com 2 or 4, but bios only shows serial port 1 with 4 choices--off, auto, com 3 or com 1. How do I activate com 2 & 4. Thanks for your help.

9.4K Posts

June 21st, 2005 12:00

COM ports 2 & 4 are assigned by the operating system and not the BIOS.  If Plug and & Play works as it should Windows will detect the hardware installed in a PCI slot like a modem and automatically assign it either COM port 2 or 4.  As far as I know Windows XP doesn't offer the option of changing these COM port designations.
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