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This post is more than 5 years old


January 20th, 2014 20:00

Inspiron 3847 Desktop HDMI Does Not Wake Monitor

Just purchased an Inspiron 3847 desktop with integrated graphics to evaluate if we should get them for our company.  Connected an ASUS monitor via HDMI and did not get video.  Could not figure out what was going on so connected via VGA instead and it worked as expected.  Ultimately determined that the Inspiron is not sending a wake up signal to the monitor.  Tried the monitor on a different model computer and it worked correctly.  Tried a different HDMI cable with the monitor and the Inspiron but no change.  So it means that using an HDMI monitor on the Inspiron 3847 one has to turn on the monitor after the computer is started in order for it to connect via HDMI.  Checked to see if there was a BIOS update but I have version 2 that was just recently released.  Any suggestions on how to make the Inspiron wake up the monitor when the system is powered on or taken out of sleep mode? 

November 18th, 2015 10:00

They DELL support are the one at fault the customer straight forward although short and concise not bad considering the frustration.

Same issue on a Inspiron N7110 was 7 then 8.1 (found a work around) then 10 its not working yet. 

1 Message

December 24th, 2015 13:00

Thanks for the info. I have a 1 week insperion 3847 that had the same problem. Your suggested fix worked like a champ. Thanks again

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