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This post is more than 5 years old


February 5th, 2008 02:00

It`s here!

Got my XPS 420 today! It`s sssooooo quiet! And, so far my music programs that I ran on XP are running smooth!

Now. I`d like to use the second drive as storage only drive. Do I have to switch to RAIO 0? I`m not sure how to tell how it`s setup right now.


34 Posts

February 5th, 2008 03:00

If you only have 2 drives and want to use the 2'nd as a storage drive then you cannot run a RAID configuration at all.

Most likeley you will have to use the Dell restore cd's to reinstall everything on a single drive then just use the second as a storage partition.

Here is a quick reference to the different types of RAID configs with the required # of drives.
Message Edited by lge70 on 02-04-2008 11:04 PM

935 Posts

February 5th, 2008 13:00

First of all, which RAID setup do you currently have? RAID 1 or RAID 0?


It appears you maybe have RAID 1. If so, you only have to delete (break) the RAID 1 volume which will leave you with 2 identical drives with identical data. You can delete the volume via the Intel Matrix ROM utility (CTRL-I) at boot up. Or you can use the Intel Matrix Storage Manager software within Windows by going into Advance Mode view, selecting the volume, right click and choose Delete Volume. You will notice that you will be warned all your data will be lost, but with RAID 1, you will not lose any data. So, you can ignore the warning.


If you have RAID 0, I'm not familar with RAID 0 so hopefully someone else can advise you what to do to delete that array and have 2 separate drives.


Either way, you'll want to backup your data before deleting your RAID volume.

41 Posts

February 5th, 2008 14:00

I guess thats the problem. I don`t know either. My old PC has 2 drives and I couldn`t tell you either how it was configured. But, here want I want to do with my new system.


I ordered the 420 with 2 drives. I run a small music studio using Cubase. On the first, I just want to install my programs. Any files that are created by those programs, I want to put on drive 2. Maybe with the Quad Core systems it doesn`t matter any more for speed, but thats the way I was told to produce more speed out of my PIII. That way, one drive was running the software and the other drive was streaming audio that was open in the program. It seemed to work very well.

 Last night after I installed Cubase, I tried to save a file to the second hard drive and it wouldn`t let me. A warning about file path or something. But, it would save the audio files to C drive and the shortcut on D drive. Does this make sense?? I DON`T want this to be the case.






705 Posts

February 5th, 2008 14:00

RAID 0 is striped, that is both drives are seen as one drive (2 x 320 = 1 x 640 for example) with the data spread over both drives. breaking RAID 0 will require a re-install.


I am not sure if the OP has RAID or not...

705 Posts

February 5th, 2008 14:00

how many drives do you see in windows explorer? You should have c: and d: for sure. D: is a recovery partition about 15gb and not physically the second drive. If you don't see a second (actually third) drive then you are RAID. Now how big is drive C? If it is about double the actual drrive size you are RAID 0. You shouldd also be able to see if raid is on in the BIOS. If RAID is on and your drives are not RAID you will see a message at boot. If RAID is not turned on in the BIOS, you can't be RAID...


Your documentation should say what you have as well... 

41 Posts

February 5th, 2008 15:00

Ok. Here what 'My Computer' says:


OS (C), datapart1(D) and RECOVERY (E).


I looked at the BIOS and RAID AUTODETECT is ON.




935 Posts

February 5th, 2008 16:00

If you have the Intel Matrix Storage Manager software installed, launch it and it should tell you, within the Advance Mode view, what RAID level you have setup (0 or 1). Click the volume label (e.g. Volume_0000) under "Volumes" and it should tell you the RAID level in the right hand Information pane.
Message Edited by keithg2 on 02-05-2008 11:11 AM

41 Posts

February 5th, 2008 19:00

No. I don`t have the Matrix manager. Should I?



705 Posts

February 5th, 2008 20:00

look under sata (Dell's drivers page). You can also get this potentially with ctrl-i at bootup. I am not running so RAID so I don't want to steer you wrong....
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