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This post is more than 5 years old



July 13th, 2012 09:00

Memory Q on a Dell Dimesnion E521

​Memory Q on a Dell Dimesnion E521 This has 1 GB of RAM ... ​​2 x 512MB MEMORY DUAL CHANNEL 533MHZ DDR2​​ The Motherboard has 4 x memory slots .... can I add 2 x 1 GB memory modules ... to give overall 3GB ? or does what is in the 'empty' 2 slots have to match what is in the currently used slots.​

10 Elder


43.8K Posts

July 13th, 2012 10:00

As long as the RAM is a matched  pair and meets the specs, you can add 2x1GB to the empty slots.

Keep in mind that if you add faster RAM, all RAM will run at the speed of the slowest. And, Dell PCs can be very fussy about RAM so buy from a place that will take it back if it doesn't work. Many people here buy from because they will take it back if it doesn't work in the Dell for which they recommended it.

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