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This post is more than 5 years old



May 19th, 2006 20:00

Microsoft Net Framework 1.1?

​Message Edited by moocha on 05-19-200604:53 PM​

​Message Edited by moocha on 05-19-200604:54 PM​

177 Posts

May 19th, 2006 21:00

A programming infrastructure created by Microsoft for building, deploying, and running applications and services that use .NET technologies, such as desktop applications and Web services.

The .NET Framework contains three major parts:

* the Common Language Runtime
* the Framework Class Library

---->I think the ATI website used Net Framework and you have to install it first before downloading and installing files from them.

4.4K Posts

May 20th, 2006 00:00

The reason ATI''s download needs .NET Framework 1.1 is not for the drivers, but for the Catalyst Control Center, which has replaced the Control panel. As Dell probably ships old drivers, they likely still come with the control panel and therefore don't need .NET Framework 1.1. Cat driver versions after 5.11 (I think) no longer come with the control panel option. ATI issues updated versions monthly, though for older cards there is not much improvement (however bug fixes for particular games can be useful). v. 6.5 should be out next week.
I suggest you install .NET Framework 1.1, then also the Service pack for it. Actually, more and more apps are using .NET Framework, 1.1, though newer apps may need 2.0 (1.1 and 2.0 run side by side; not all apps developed in 1.1 will run if only 2.0 is installed). I suggest you get it from here (assuming you have Windows XP):.
NET framework 1.1
SP1 for .NET framework 1.1
Assuming that you have Windows XP, you need to download the drivers plus the CCC: if you have broadband, the second download on this page (drivers and CCC package):
 Or if you are on dial up, you need both the driver and the CCC downloads (first two items in the dial up section).
Read the release note on how to install (it involves uninstalling existing drivers first) or download and use the catalyst uninstaller also offered on that page.
Obviously, if you don't have Windows XP, choose your operating system in the left column to get the right drivers.

Message Edited by JRosenfeld on 05-20-200602:22 AM


PPS Forgot to mention there was also a security update for .NET Framework 1.1 SP1. Windows update should offer you that after you've installed, or you can get it here:

Message Edited by JRosenfeld on 05-20-200602:31 AM

22 Posts

May 20th, 2006 02:00

Hi-thanks alot. My internet cpc=win2k, my Dell = XP SP2. I've installed Acid pro 5 and they require Net Frame. I install Acid , then I can uninstall Net rame and Acid works fien. Net frame is used for something else(like managing files in this case etc)I'll just find kthe newest versiion before Catalyst. I bet I could install net frame , then kthedriver, then uninstall net frame. I don't know if lI want to try in.Maybe I'll just give in and live kwith Net frame kevern thougjhI'm not on the knet on that pc maybe not...thanks kfor service kpack ref.

Man Net Frame seems like a big unecessary prob..who needs it? It seems to be just for security? Here's a list of bugs that Sp1(NetF) fixes:
Why install something that could only cause prob with nothing constructive?

Message Edited by moocha on 05-19-200610:40 PM

PS-I think I'll just use the original driver I downloaded when I first bought the machine, it doesn't neeed Net Frame. It's a little weird but good enough. Thanks

Message Edited by moocha on 05-19-200611:08 PM

4.4K Posts

May 22nd, 2006 15:00

As I said in my earlier post the Cat drivers themselves do not need .NET framework, it's the Catalyst Control Center that does. If you never want to change any settings for your graphics card, then you don't need to install that if you don't want to. But the CCC definitely won't wotk if you remove .NET Framework. Why don't you want that, anyway? It is not a 'security thing', but a coding platform that some apps use to run. .NET Framework takes upo less than 50MB on your hard drive. It only runs when an app calls for it. It does no harm.

Message Edited by JRosenfeld on 05-22-200605:09 PM

22 Posts

May 22nd, 2006 16:00

"coding platform that some apps use to run"etc...hey thanks, I kwill reconsider installing this. Also is what they call "display" driver the actual kdriver for the card?

Message Edited by moocha on 05-22-200612:21 PM

4.4K Posts

May 22nd, 2006 20:00

I answered your previous post while you were typing your last one. Glad it's all OK now, enjoy :-)

22 Posts

May 22nd, 2006 20:00

Hi-Well I installed Net Frame and its SP1 and the whole Catalyst 6.4 shabang. It's better graphics than I had before and the control center will come in handy. All is well, thanks.

4.4K Posts

May 22nd, 2006 20:00

Yes. As the release notes state, the package is for all Radeon cards, it will install what you need for your card.
If you wait until later this week, cat 6.5 is due to be released some day this week, possibly Thursday.

22 Posts

May 23rd, 2006 02:00

ha-well I've got the Catalyst uninstall pg. I'll do it again...thanks again.
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