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This post is more than 5 years old



January 30th, 2010 02:00

Need advice on graphics cards...

I want to ask for advice concerning graphics cards, but more specifically how large a graphics card (vram capacitywise) my current PC can accommidate. The computer, a Dimension E510 currently has a 256MB graphics card. When I originally configured this system back in 2005, 256MB was the largest avaliable for it and was probably also the largest avaliable on the consumer level. I am now seeing 512MB and 1GB graphics cards on store shelves.

I am a big flight sim enthusiast, and while this PC still meets the system requirements of the sim I use, graphics wise it's starting to reach the lowest edge of the minimum system requirements. I may want or even need to upgrade the graphics card eventually. Anyone know if the Dimension E510's system board can accomidate a 512MB or larger graphics card?

90 Posts

February 2nd, 2010 06:00


90 Posts

February 2nd, 2010 09:00

Heck, be adventurous.  Go for the 5670.  There is no bench listed for it on this forum's video benchmark list.  Spend the extra $18.


Why not?  According to this comparison, the 5670 only draws 2 more watts at peak demand.  I just hope it will be compatible with your motherboard, CPU and OS.

Of course, if you want to play it safe, and cheap, the 4670 is still a giant step ahead of the X600 and I am very confident will work fine with the rest of the OP's system.


381 Posts

February 2nd, 2010 09:00

Heck, be adventurous.  Go for the 5670.  There is no bench listed for it on this forum's video benchmark list.  Spend the extra $18.

1 Rookie


126 Posts

February 2nd, 2010 10:00

Doing price comparison's for the Radeon 4670 at,, and shows that Best Buy seems to have the lowest price for the Radeon 4670. By my estimates I'll have the space in my finances for a new graphics card sometime next month in March.

90 Posts

February 2nd, 2010 22:00

Doing price comparison's for the Radeon 4670 at,, and shows that Best Buy seems to have the lowest price for the Radeon 4670. By my estimates I'll have the space in my finances for a new graphics card sometime next month in March.

One last caution when you are price comparing different Radeon 4670's.  Make sure you are looking at one with GDDR3, not DDR2.   The DDR2 cards perform more like the 4650 cards.  The uninformed consumer will find a 1 GB 4670 for a low price and think it must be better than a 512 mb card,  but it isn't true.  The 512 mb DDR3 card will be faster in games than a 1 GB DDR2 card.  Nothing wrong with getting a 1 GB DDR3 card, but the difference in performance between that and a 512 mb DDR3 card is negligible.  (They really don't have enough total memory bandwidth to take full advantage of the extra memory on the card)

Just remember, for performance in a RAdeon HD-4670 make sure you are getting at least DDR3, and GDDR3 is better, yet.  (GDDR3 is typically faster than just DDR3)

Don't fall for slow memory clocked DDR2 cards.

381 Posts

February 3rd, 2010 02:00

That's another good reason to go with the 5670.  Besides the DirectX 11 support, they have DDR5 instead of 2 or 3.  and the 512MB is plenty.


1 Rookie


126 Posts

February 3rd, 2010 05:00

2ndtimer, thanks for the tip on the DDR2, DDR3, GDDR3 issue. That was something I had no idea about, this is the first time I will be upgrading an existing graphics card. BTW, most of the cards I've seen reffer to DirectX in their specs. The sim I use though, Laminar Research's X-Plane ( uses OpenGL instead of DirectX. Would that matter? If anyone is interested in learning more about X-Plane, you can visit the main website at the previous URL or visit the X-Plane fan community at


4 Posts

July 30th, 2010 10:00

I realize this thread is a few months old, but I found it applicable.  I also own a 5150, but with the pentium d 2.8ghz, recently upgraded to 4gb ram and the 256mb radeon x600 card.  I was able to raid in WoW with 2gb a few years ago, and have been playing LoL alright without any issues.

Well, SC2 came out and my system can barely handle it on low.

After reading this thread, the 4670 sounds like still a safe/solid choice.  I'm more curious about the 5670, if it really is viable and if I should try it, or just get the 4670?

Would either fit space wise too?  I currently have an extra hard drive taking one of the bays too.


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