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January 14th, 2006 15:00

New Computers still have COM port and Office CD?

January 14th, 2006 20:00

Dell does not send out the actual cd's anymore.  If you ask them why the answer you get is, " im afraid we dont send the cd anymore.  same with os cd, we didn't actually stop sending them, we are just protecting your interest. for your security against piracy. you may call Customer service tel 800-624-9897 to request a copy."  I asked this in a online chat with a Dell rep.  As for the COM ports, he guy I was talking to said yes...that their computers do still have com ports.  In continuing my chat with the Dell rep I was again reminded of how inept they really are.  I asked how does not sending the actual cd's protect my interests.  This is the EXACT response I received, " well, we all know that the software is license to you alone. and we dont want someboby hacking your system and finding, using your personal data, funds for their own benefits."   I told him that did not answer my question and then asked how does not sending out the cd's keep my computer from being hacked.  He hasn't responded in quite sometime now.   My advice.....don't buy dell!

6.4K Posts

January 14th, 2006 21:00

Many Dell computers no longer have COM ports.  You will need to do careful research.  If you get a machine having only USB ports, it may be possible to get a converter, but I have never done this myself and so can't advise you.  In general, computers for home use do not have the COM port, but computers for businesses do have them.

If you purchase your machine online, there is usually, but not always, an entry for purchasing the media (CD's for your software) at a $10 charge.  If you neglect this you can often get a copy by phoning or e-mailing customer service.

January 14th, 2006 21:00

The guy I was chatting with online says there is no charge for the CD's.  He also said that their computers DO have the com ports.  Was he really that useless?  Or could you be mistaken?

January 14th, 2006 21:00

Got it.  Thanks. :smileyhappy:   I just wanted to ask.  I mean, the guy I talked to had to ask ME what a com port even is!  I don't have much faith in his abilities.

6.4K Posts

January 14th, 2006 21:00

It is dependent on which model you purchase.  That is why I advised research.  Example; my Dell Inspiron laptop has only two USB ports, a video port, network port, and phone modem port.  No serial (COM) port or parallel (LPT) port.  Many desktops are going the same way, but it is possible to get one with the COM port; you simply need to check out all the specs.

On the media, there is a cost if you ask for it when you order the computer.  If you forget to do this, or miss the checkbox for it, you can request the media from customer service who will normally do this at no charge.

Your information is therefore not in error; I simply added a qualifier.

159 Posts

January 15th, 2006 00:00

Thanks for the tips. I had my facts mixed up when I started the thread, however. I need a parallel port for my printer. I'd like the serial mouse port too because sometimes (like installing a new hard drive) the USB isn't operating, but the old serial mouse works fine.

I checked a Dimension XPS 400 for port information. Nothing is mentioned about the standard ports. Presumably USB ports are provided (how many and where?). Optional ports are a IEEE 1394 adapter, and a "serial and PC-2 PCI adapter". I guess the second is a PCI adapter providing a circular mouse port and a D-connector serial port of either 13 or 25 pins. Since no adapter is provided for a parallel port, maybe the computer includes one. I'll need to ask the sales rep for details.

I couldn't find any info on an Office CD. I guess it is replaced with Symantec PC Restore (which isn't listed on the Symantec site). Too bad! I guess I'll need to call customer service to verity they are still available. I'm guessing it is a cost savings feature.

Pretty soon, the minuses of Dell's business model will start to offset the plusses provided by the Community Forums.


6.4K Posts

January 15th, 2006 01:00

If you move your mouse pointer to the top of this page and hover over Desktops, you will get a drop-down menu for the desktops Dell sells.  Select the series that interests you and click on it.  On the next page you will find Learn About Your Dell.  Select User Guides and Manuals, find a model number that interests you, and click on it.  After a couple of screens telling you what is available you will normally find that the service manual is available for viewing on line.  Look under specifications for the ports on the given machine.


P.S.  The Office collection was never included as a standard.  What CDs you get will depend on what you order with the computer.  Even then, unless you order the media along with your computer, you will get no CDs.

Message Edited by JackShack on 01-14-2006 09:07 PM

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