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This post is more than 5 years old


November 27th, 2008 03:00

Optiplex 755 video card...


​I have a Optiplex 755 desktop and I want to connect 2 monitors to it. So I want to buy a video-card that has 1 VGA and 1 DVI and that is compatibile with this machine(phisically, to be small enough to fit inside).​

​Can someone (who has done this before :) ) help me, please?​


​Later edit:​

​After some searches, I've found this site: ​​​

​Can anyone confirm that Asus Nvidia GF8400GS is compatible with Optiplex 755?​

64 Posts

March 26th, 2010 19:00

:emotion-2:What is your 755,there are 4 case sizes,so it will depend on what size yours is,they have different power suplys....

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