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This post is more than 5 years old


June 28th, 2006 14:00


​ Hello, ​
​ ​
​ I have a dell desktop xps-200. But when I connected s-video cable between PC and TV, TV was no signal. So I could not see any picture on TV. I think I can send a signal to TV to appear the screen of PC. Do you have any idea? Is my pc wrong? ​
​ Please help me. ​

68 Posts

June 28th, 2006 15:00

i dont think anything is wrong, you need to right click your desktop and go to properties.then there will be a new window with a bunch of tabs, on the far right there will be a settings tab. click it. if you have your tv and moniter both connected it should show two moniters or one moniter and one tv in the picture. Click on the one on the right and then click below extend my desktop onto this moniter or somthing to that effect. then apply. it should be working if your tv is on the right input.

if your computer dosnt support dual view unplug your moniter and plug in your s-vidio to the tv and computer and make sure your tv is on the correct settings it shoud automaticaly apear. Im not sure about this part though, sombody else might be able to help you better but its worth a shot. It depends on your graphics card

3 Posts

June 28th, 2006 16:00

I already tried that. But I could see only monitor. This is the problem on my PC.
Please advise me. Any idea for that?

7 Posts

June 30th, 2006 15:00

What grpahics card do you have? With Nvidia you can force output out of the s-video port.

180 Posts

July 1st, 2006 03:00

did you enable the tv (second monit or)?

I would see if the tv is the problem. try different computer on the tv or different tv on the computer.

else I would say your video card can't handle two monitors at the same time.

try booting with only tv connected

3 Posts

July 1st, 2006 16:00

I have another laptop. When I used the laptop, I could see the screen of the laptop on TV . But When I used the desktop, TV appeared no signal. And graphic card is wonder elite. Anyway I have still the problem. Please help me.
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