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March 20th, 2007 21:00

Sigmatel Audio & Volume Control Error

569 Posts

March 20th, 2007 23:00

This computer's memory must be installed in pairs. You can have 2 or 4 memory sticks but not 1 or 3. You don't mention how many it came with or how many are installed now.

March 21st, 2007 02:00

byker49, what I want to know is, why did you post all those specs for a computer underneath your reply? I'm here because I'm have problems with a PC and was trying to get some help, not to see what kind of system your are running and what programs you use.

Message Edited by viva8la7ram on 03-20-2007 10:47 PM

March 21st, 2007 02:00

Actually, this system had only one PC4200 512 MB RAM stick installed and was running just fine. My friend had bought another stick, but the new stick (which I installed on an empty bank on the other pair of banks), was PC5300. After the install I told him that the new stick would not run at its optimal level because it would have to down-clock itself to run in sync with the PC4200 stick of RAM; the computer worked fine. He ended up trading in the PC4200 RAM for a stick of PC5300 RAM, which I installed right next to the other stick, making it a pair. After I installed that memory, everything worked fine and was running optimal - up until he got that virus, which messed up his system.

You really didn't help me though, but thanks for trying. :D

And actually I already figured out the solution to the problem. My friend talked to a Dell representative online, who took over his PC using Remote Desktop. After her "analysis", she told him that he would have to reformat the system. I thought that was a bunch of bologna as I had just finished redoing the system. The audio was working just fine before the reformat. I talked to a friend of mine and showed him what the PC was doing and he told me that the integrated sound card probably died or shorted out. So, the PC wasn't picking it up because of that. It had nothing to do with the audio driver. Our solution is going to be to buy another sound card and install it. My friend's PC is still under warranty, but does not want to return it as he would end up returning the system with a gig of RAM, WHICH the PC did not come with, and it would take much longer than actually going out and buying a new sound card.

Message Edited by viva8la7ram on 03-20-2007 10:41 PM
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