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This post is more than 5 years old


June 17th, 2008 13:00


​ For those of you unfamilar with the sound bar ,its a piece of hardware that attaches to certain models of Dell LCD's along the bottom of the monitor ,its a Dell product and its desirable to me because I find with my 3 piece speaker system that when Iam close up and working on my desktop I have a hard time hearing the sound ,and since I have the TV Wonder on and Iam usally listening to the news ,I really hate to miss any of the speech/text ! I cannnot simply increase the volume ,because I have a wife who works nights and Iam usally on the PC from 4:00A.M. to 8:00A.M. ! She does not take kindly to being awaken !​

​ My ? is will I be able to connect both my speaker system and the sound bar at the same time ? You may be thinknig ,why does he not just get a headset,well I have one a very good and expensive one ,and I still find that after about ten minutes of wearing it I cannot take it and must remove ther head set . I dont know if its becasue of my ears or what, however I never could wear head phones comfortably ! If I find that the sound bar and my speaker system would be fighting over the speaker connection ,would some kind of splitter be possible without losing quality of sound or recieving interferance ? Sorry for so ,many ?'s ,and thank you to those who took the time to read and reply !​

​ Take Care ,Nick​

​ ​

​XPS400 2.8Gig 820 D Dual Core -VIIV​
​O/S WinXP Media Center Edition 2005​
​3 G.B. DDR2 RAM PC5300 - 2-1G.B. 2-512M.B.​
​Samsung Hard Drive 250G.B. 7200RPM​
​Seagate externial 320G.B. H.D.7200RPM USB​
​ATI TV Wonder Elite PCI​
​19" FP​
​Sigma-Tel Intergrated Audio 7.1 channel​
​Logitech G15 Keyboard​
​Pertelian X2040 ForeSight Systems LCD information Display​
​Dell 944 AIO Printer​
​EASYWATCH LCD System Monitor /Fan Controller​

​ Message Edited by Gumba on 06-17-2008 09:45 AM ​
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