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This post is more than 5 years old


March 9th, 2007 03:00


In anticipation of the long awaited resolution to the XPS 700/710 concerns that have been shared here on the Dell Community Forum, I have asked ChrisM to allow us to begin a new thread that has a NEW emphasis. ChrisM once again, has demonstrated a genuine care and respect for Dell’s customers by allowing the previous thread to reach the 1,500 threshold, and by sticking this new thread at the top for all to see. No one can deny, that Dell has not tried to “hide” the concerns and complaints of its customers, but instead has provided a forum for them to share and be heard.


Sometimes change can be a difficult process, and the cost to all can be significant. There are many here that have been posting since the beginning, when the first thread was stuck at the top last July 3rd, 2006. Eight months and nearly 14,000 posts later, we are beginning to see a light shining on the horizon of Dell’s renewed effort to give customers a much improved experience.


In many ways, what we as customers have been a part of, is potentially a trend that other corporations are going to have to take seriously. What Dell is doing for its customers is seldom, if ever, seen amongst large corporations. Truly listening to its customers and then responding in a humble and meaningful way, is something that most customers have only ‘wished’ for. It has taken some time, but in the end, Michael Dell, the newly announced CEO of Dell, took the initiative and responded directly to our ‘cry’ for an upgrade path for the XPS 700/710 computers.


Because so many Dell customers have had positive experiences in the past, the belief has always been kept alive that Dell would find a way to ensure that Dell’s foundational emphasis on a positive and personal customer experience would find renewed support corporate wide. As Dell works to provide future computer systems that the enthusiast and gamer can be proud to own, it is the hope of all that have shared here on the forum, that Dell’s willingness to turn their failures into a success, will be met with customer excitement.


A corporation’s success, in an ever increasingly competitive market, in the end will be tied to the corporation’s willingness to open its doors to customer input and involvement. From here we made a difference and had an impact that may very well be an important ingredient in a strong and influential corporation’s customer care revitalization. As Jim Collins writes in Good To Great, “All good-to-great companies began the process of finding a path to greatness by confronting the brutal facts of their current reality. It is impossible to make good decisions without infusing the entire process with an honest confrontation of the brutal facts. As a result, they emerged from adversity even stronger.”


May this thread be the beginning of a new chapter for Dell and the XPS 700/710 customers with Dell listening to the voice of its customers, and confronting those realities, so that each of us may experience Dell at its best; turning each reality into success, one by one. Thank you to each and every person that gave so much to make ours and future customers experience a richer one.

Let the posting begin!


Message Edited by gbakmars on 03-08-2007 11:59 PM

44 Posts

July 20th, 2007 12:00

Fantastic! Thanks so much for giving us a date. Now we can plan our lives accordingly!!!!

Like PG, I thank you for doing this prior to Crysis!

2.6K Posts

July 20th, 2007 12:00

As long as its $0.00 I can wait, oterwise :smileymad:

15 Posts

July 20th, 2007 13:00

We should start a competition now for the dumbest excuse from those that will inevitably miss this bit:
"All upgrade requests must be submitted no later than midnight Central Standard Time October 13, 2007".
- This wasn't advertised in the national press....
- Nobody told me to read the small print....
- Why didn't Dell phone me personally to ask if I wanted to participate......
- I don't live in Central Standard, so this time limit doesn't apply to me....
- The dog ate my Service Tag...etc.

44 Posts

July 20th, 2007 13:00

Dell should use their annoying telemarketers that call and try to get you to extend your service plan to call the XPS700 owners to notify them of the specifics of the exchange.

Now THERE'S a good use for the telemarketers!

52 Posts

July 20th, 2007 13:00

Markswheels wrote:
I can finally stop checking the website everyday! :smileyvery-happy:
Oh wait, still have to see if it supports Penryn.  :smileysurprised:

HAHAHA. I thought I was the only one.

44 Posts

July 20th, 2007 13:00

bwammer, you're very right, but I am being optimistic!!!! Hey if all else fails, Hopefully I will have the new Mb in time for the 1st patch for Crysis! Thanks

1.9K Posts

July 20th, 2007 15:00

bugout wrote:
hmm.. at the current price, you'll be able to pick up a QX6700 for $777.. not too shabby..

The 25% is off the regular price.  It is still $300-400 overpriced and almost $100 after the discount.  I will pass.

286 Posts

July 20th, 2007 15:00

Oh yea, I'll be waiting by the phone!

1.2K Posts

July 20th, 2007 15:00

Do you think folks will actually receive their new 680 motherboards before November?  I just saw this today:

NVIDIA is also going to launch their next generation PCI Express 2.0 SLI chipsets for both Intel and AMD processors together with the next generation enthusiast GPUs known as G92 in November. There are C73 and C72 chipsets for Intel supporting 45nm Yorkfield and Wolfdale processors and MCP72 for AMD supporting AM2+ Phenom processors. The main difference between C73 and C72 is the support of higher FSB and memory type where C73 supports 1600FSB and DDR3-1600 and C72 supports 1333FSB and DDR2-1066/800.


On the subject of DDR3, I've been toying around with that a bit and I can tell you, once the rated speeds reach 1600 - 2000Mhz w/ C7 or better latency (and we should see kits like that any time now), the performance starts to pull away noticeably from DDR2.

Message Edited by Aivas47a on 07-20-2007 11:27 AM

2.6K Posts

July 20th, 2007 15:00

We all know you can never be on the bleeding edge for longer than about a week.
That being said, good post, I can't wait to read more about them.
I would like to know (I am not asking Dellies) if we would ever be offered the ability to upgrade to that type of system board for the 700 series cases.
Still I am looking more and more to just settling with Alienware if I want a whole PC.
I did take advantage of their 'bare bones' offer on the Alien case and power supply that I'll put my sons latest kit into.
evg 680i
single 8800 gtx
4GB OCZ 8500
2x 160GB Dell Raptor HDDs RAID1
Plextor 755SA
etc.  (Its got game)
Aivas47a we will be able to talk about this stuff for a long time to come.
When I was at university, my digital circuits prof always said that in 2010 we would true super computer powered systems as top end systems and that is three years away so we will see if his prediction will end up true or off by a few years.
I also wonder how much $$$ we 'fools' here have spent on computers and parts not just the Dells but all of the clone stuff too?

1.2K Posts

July 20th, 2007 16:00

Here is another article discussing the FSB1333 support on retail 680i motherboards. Don't get put off by the first 3 or 4 paragraphs - read on.
Regards - MichaelO

XPS700 - Black
E6700 1.4.1 Bios - OS XP MCE 2005
4GB DDR2 PC2-5300 @ 667 Mhz
24 in Dell 2405FPW
768 Mb EVGA 8800GTX
XFI w/ Logitech Z-5450 5.1

Message Edited by odenwalder on 07-20-2007 12:54 PM

1.9K Posts

July 20th, 2007 16:00

Aivas47a wrote:
It's a sickness. :smileyhappy:

There are worse illnesses to have right?  Does that make me an addict?

1.2K Posts

July 20th, 2007 16:00

tphillips63 wrote:
We all know you can never be on the bleeding edge for longer than about a week.
Aivas47a we will be able to talk about this stuff for a long time to come.
When I was at university, my digital circuits prof always said that in 2010 we would true super computer powered systems as top end systems and that is three years away so we will see if his prediction will end up true or off by a few years.
I also wonder how much $$$ we 'fools' here have spent on computers and parts not just the Dells but all of the clone stuff too?

No question, the bleeding edge is like that mirage you see driving on the interstates in the summertime -- it's always a little farther ahead!  And you have almost unlimited opportunities to throw away money.  But, with some degree of prudence, you can have a lot of fun (and I maintain it is still significantly cheaper as a hobby than golf.)
More on DDR3, check out this exciting article on Anandtech today:
The money quote:
If you are a full-blown computer enthusiast, once you see DDR3-1666 and DDR3-2000 running on the P35 you will want it, and you will not want to settle for DDR2 at 1066.

It's a sickness. :smileyhappy:

Message Edited by Aivas47a on 07-20-2007 01:08 PM

1.2K Posts

July 20th, 2007 17:00

odenwalder wrote:
Here is another article discussing the FSB1333 support on retail 680i motherboards. Don't get put off by the first 3 or 4 paragraphs - read on.
Regards - MichaelO


That's a good article Michael, thanks!  I'm always up for a little nvidia-bashing but in truth it looks like the 1333 quad does just fine in the 680 board with the right bios.  Hopefully the Dell Bios Department is hard at work. :smileyvery-happy:

Also notice that Anandtech was using 1.465 vcore in their overclock testing and still doing very well.  To beat a dead horse, Dell has got to scrounge up processors that will let them get away from the ridiculous 1.6 vcore setting they have been using in the 3.73Ghz XPS 720s.

98 Posts

July 20th, 2007 17:00

Haha cant wait to see those excuses!

GB and others, thank you very much for making the mobo exchange happen.

@johnnyboy21 wrote:
We should start a competition now for the dumbest excuse from those that will inevitably miss this bit:
"All upgrade requests must be submitted no later than midnight Central Standard Time October 13, 2007".
- This wasn't advertised in the national press....
- Nobody told me to read the small print....
- Why didn't Dell phone me personally to ask if I wanted to participate......
- I don't live in Central Standard, so this time limit doesn't apply to me....
- The dog ate my Service Tag...etc.

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