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This post is more than 5 years old


December 3rd, 1999 00:00

Upgrade of McAfee

Help! I attempted to upgrade McAfee as my system instructed, after automatically linking to the McAfee site and downloading the upgrade exe, I attempted to run this. There was an error in running the exe, after it removed the older version. I attempted to again download from the McAfee site a new upgrade, but since it didn't recognize that I had McAfee, it required me to pay for the upgrade. Then I attemped to reload the version of McAfee from the CD I received with my Dimension system in April. That told me I already had a newer version installed. I know I don't have any antivirus software running now, nor could I envoke any. Also, under START, PROGRAMS...There is no longer a McAfee choice. What should I do next?

December 3rd, 1999 00:00


I don't have McAfee on my system, so I really can't help you fix the problem.

However, I would call McAfee and demand a refund of the money you spent.

I would then take that money (or other money if you can't get it back), go to the nearest software store and buy Norton's Antivirus.

NAV is, IMHO, a far superior product. For one, updated virus definitions do not require the reloading of the entire defintion, just the new ones. Furthermore, in over a year of using Norton's, I have yet to ever have any difficulty in updating.

I could go on, but in the interests of brevity, I won't.

I hope someone can help you with your McAfee problem.


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221 Posts

December 3rd, 1999 04:00

Vicki, Do you have Winzip or PKZip on your machine? All the downloads come in zipped files and you have to unzip them to access them. I had the same problem a year ago when I first got my machine. I got Winzip, which can be downloaded from their site or purchased on a disk. It used to cost 29.95. Since then I have had no problems updating my DAT files. I have cable and the downloads take less then one minute. I download to a file I created on my desktop and called Incoming. After downloading I copy the zipped file to a Zip disk. (Thats an Iomega Zip Disk not to be confused with a zipped file). Then I double click the downloaded file (usually something like 400.4052.exe) it is extracted and installed in the McAffee folder. Thats all it takes. Hope this overly long explanation is of some help.

221 Posts

December 3rd, 1999 05:00

Vicki, After I posted my first reply I decided to update my DAT files. Slow night on the web, it took over six minutes to download 2.62 Mbs for the new DATs. It is necessary to download the entire new file, not just the newly added ones. My engine is 4.02. I understand that McAffee no longer has updates for any engine in the 3x series. Although they say you get lifetime updates, it is only for the lifetime of the engine, not your lifetime. I think an engine is good for about two years than you have to upgrade to a new one. Updates are the important item, upgrades give you new bells and whistles, but usually aren't much better in detecting viruses. Its the DAT files that count. I scan all my files once a week, in addition to having the engine running in the background. I only have 14751 files so it only takes about three minutes to scan them all. Time well spent to avoid a virus. HTH

2 Posts

December 3rd, 1999 10:00

Richard, Thanks for replying. I have PKZip, however, the problem and error I encountered occurred after the files were unzipped and after I was in the wizard installing the newer version (4.0.3.)
The wizard asked to remove the older version then I encountered the OLE error.

221 Posts

December 4th, 1999 03:00

Vicki, As I recall, when I had this problem a year ago, I was able to find the new version in the Add\Remove Programs in the Control Panel. To get there go to Start\Settings. If it is listed in Add\Remove just remove it. You then should be able to reinstall your previous version from the disk. If it is 4.02 keep it for awhile. Mine works fine. Another place to look is in My Computer\C:\Program Files\Network Associates. It is strange that your computer says a newer version exists but NAI can't see it when you go to their site. Windows Explorer should also show it in the Network Associates Folder. If it really isn't there, and it probably isn't, contact NAI by email at and give them the dtails of your problem. Also, as suggested, request a refund of your fee. I hope you find a resolution to this most perplexing problem. Oh, did you download to a disk or did you just run the program. It is always best to download to a disk make a copy of the download and then install it. That way you will know if the download was corrupted and it won't install and remove your previous version.
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