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This post is more than 5 years old


January 6th, 2009 16:00

XPS 410 Video Card installation help

With all the help that i got i finally got this  <<(EVGA GeForce 9800 GT)

Now i just need to learn how to install this thing lol. Putting up some pictures so i can explain this better.


This is the GeForce 8300 GS that came with my computer. As u can see its just connected to the PCI Expressx16 slot with no other wires that needs to be plugged in to the to anywhere else.

The EVGA GeForce 9800 GT comes with one of these Y looking wires which im guessing that the black part of the wire would be going into HERE and the other 2 white plugs should be going where is my question.


Should it be connected to something like these wires here?

Also i found a wire that would look like it should fit into that Video Card (6 pin i think that's whats it called) on my computer. It consists of 3 white and 3 black wires that im pretty positive runs into the Power supply.

If thats the wire need do i still need that Y power cable that the video card came with or do i just plug the card into the PSI and then the 6 pin slot into the video card that i have found on my computer.


1.4K Posts

January 6th, 2009 18:00

You only need the 6 pin connector shown in the last photo, put the adapter back in the box it came out of.

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