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November 17th, 2008 08:00

XPS 730x General Hardware Discussion thread

Use this linked thread in the Desktop FAQ to discuss XPS 730x hardware and performance tweaks and issues.

54 Posts

December 5th, 2008 08:00

Michael -

If 2GB of memory is enough for you and you do not understand why someone would want the most RAM possible, then I do not think you understand what some people are doing with these computers - and I am not speaking of playing games.

38 Posts

December 5th, 2008 08:00

Standard case, the "slowest" i7, 6GB ram, 500GB primary drive, 750GB secondary, GeForce GTX280 1024MB video, DVD burner, Soundblaster X-Fi card, no monitor, no speakers. the standard 64bit Vista.

Nothing special as far as I know.  When I was building it, it told me the est ship date would be 12/22.  As soon as the "confirmation of order" email came through it said 1/12/09.  Only thing I can think of is the vid card, but I thought that one was readily available.

Not sure what is delaying it then. I have the same video card - in fact, I ordered two of them!


54 Posts

December 5th, 2008 09:00

Just to add to your informative post i quote an article from -

"users of memory-intense processes such as video encoding and high-resolution photo editing should already be familiar with the benefits of increasing the amount of work they can store in RAM…while decreasing the amount that must be cached to a slower temporary file on the hard drive."

38 Posts

December 5th, 2008 09:00

Hello Chris,

I don't know why anyone would need 6GB of ram I think it's over kill and system would not recognized it, would be a waste of money! 3GB of Ram is efficient and enough for today’s systems! When buying a new computer look for better sound cards, hard drive space, and video memory spend more money on these features before memory upgrades, if you don't seem like you have enough memory and system freezes on pages than get an extra 1GB of memory! I am running on 2GB of memory it's more than enough for me!

With all due respect Mike, the fact that you "dont know why anyone would need 6GB of RAM" is self-defining. The reason you dont know why someone would need that is because you DONT KNOW!. What I mean by that is that you are naive (and I dont mean that in a derogatory way so please dont take offense) to what is truly "required" for optimal performance, how address space relates to system memory and what is required for certain applications (by application I mean role, not necessarily a specific program). You are running 2GB and you claim its more than enough. That may be true, but the fact of the matter is that Vistas MINIMUM requirement for all but its BASIC version is 1GB (i.e. the bare minimum) which common sense and logic dictate is not the best way to go. In addition - the amount of memory available is affected by the amount of addressable memory space (i.e. memory that can be mapped), which is reduced by devices that have portions of the address space reserved. Video cards, for example, utilize a substantial portion of the addressable memory space for their on-board RAM which, in turn, reduces the amount of addressable space available to map your system memory. Try slapping a 1GB or 2GB graphics card in a Vista machine with only 2 GB of RAM and see what happens when any memory intensive app runs (not just games).

As for "looking for better devices" other than memory - that is a nonsense argument since RAM is VERY inexpensive nowadays. Many people make the mistaken assumption (as you did) that the on-board memory on a graphics card is completely independent and unaffected by the system memory (RAM). That is completely false - especially with a 32-bit OS, where the address space limit is 4GB.

My new Rig will have 6GB of RAM since I ordered it with 2 1GB video cards. If I had the option of ordering it with more than 6GB I would have - well before a "HD or sound card" upgrade.

You may also be thinking that your physical memory (RAM) requirements may be less important since you can always increase your page file (virtual memory space on the HD) to compensate, however again - those with experience know that it is far more optimal (performance wise) to utilize physical memory over a swap file. Some enthusiasts will actually disable their swap file, though that is only recommended with large amounts of physical memory.

Again - my intent was not to "raz" you, only to suggest that you do a bit of research before making statements out of lack of knowledge.

In addition – your statement that the “system would not recognize it” (presume you meant it won’t recognize 6GB of RAM) further illustrates your lack of knowledge. A 64-bit OS will EASILY recognize that much, and substantially more RAM.

 Remember - there was a time when people thought "640 KB of memory ought to be enough for most folks"!  ;)


December 5th, 2008 13:00

[quote user="Mike28001980"]

Hello Chris,

I don't know why anyone would need 6GB of ram I think it's over kill and system would not recognized it, would be a waste of money! 3GB of Ram is efficient and enough for today’s systems! When buying a new computer look for better sound cards, hard drive space, and video memory spend more money on these features before memory upgrades, if you don't seem like you have enough memory and system freezes on pages than get an extra 1GB of memory! I am running on 2GB of memory it's more than enough for me!

My new Rig will have 6GB of RAM since I ordered it with 2 1GB video cards. If I had the option of ordering it with more than 6GB I would have - well before a "HD or sound card" upgrade.

 Remember - there was a time when people thought "640 KB of memory ought to be enough for most folks"!  ;)


Actually.. I believe it was 640k was the most anyone would ever need.. :-)

Anyways, I agree with Josh here.  I would have ordered it with 12GB RAM if I could have.  I considered doing a second 1GB vid card, but it's not going to do a whole lot for me.  I was also just going to buy my own SATA drives later since I can get them much cheaper... but I'm lazy and didn't feel like doing it.

I want the RAM because I'm going to be doing a lot of high def video editing.  The quad HT cores in the i7 will be the biggest speed influence, but RAM is significantly faster than HDD caches... that's why when you're doing things that are memory intensive, you want as much RAM as you can have.

My rig still hasn't shipped, btw.  That makes me a saaaaad panda.

54 Posts

December 5th, 2008 13:00

As I have one right here I can tell you that the motherboard is a Foxconn

3 Posts

December 5th, 2008 15:00













1 224-3365 XPS 730X, Intel Core3 I7-920 (2.66GHz, 8MB cache)
1 311-9781 Aluminum with Clearcoat Chassis
1 311-9788 6GB Multi-Channel DDR3 at 1066MHZ (3x2GB DIMM)
1 330-0915 Dell Consumer Multimedia Keyboard
1 320-4849 Video ready option w/o monitor
1 320-7601 nVidia GeForce 9800GT 512MB
1 341-8308 300GB Western Digital Velociraptor - SATA-II, 3GB/S 10000RPM, 16MB Cache
1 341-6423 Dell 19 in 1 Media Reader withBluetooth 2.0
1 420-9845 Microsoft Windows Vista SP1 64-bit Home Premium (English)
1 330-2997 Dell Resource DVD with Application Backup
1 420-5769 Internet Search and Portal
1 420-8874 Dell Video Chat
1 420-8873 Dell Dock Consumer
1 330-1161 USB 6-Button Logitech Mouse
1 313-7248 No Modem
1 313-7225 Dual Drives: 16x DVD+/-RW + 16x DVD-ROM Drive
1 420-8668 POWER DVD 8.0
1 420-8152 Roxio Creator 10.2 Dell Edition
1 313-7246 Soundblaster X-Fi Xtreme GamerPCIe
1 313-5699 Bose Companion 3 , 2.1 Stereo Audio
1 410-1595 Norton Internet Security 15-Month, English
1 420-6584

Microsoft Office 2007 Professional Edition


That's what I ordered

December 5th, 2008 17:00


If you need more than 6GB of Ram than find, but my system came with 512GB of Ram before I updated to 2GB recently! I still think 6GB of ram is over-kill and not needed and of waste of your money! If your doing gaming than I would suggest you buy a gaming system that plugs into your TV!

Have a nice day!








December 5th, 2008 19:00

Not really sure why you're in here trying to tell people who are ordering the newest, fastest, most expensive technology available that they don't "need it" and are crazy for wanting it...

It's not really an opinion. . . it's a fact that having the extra ram will boost performance in systems that can utilize it.  It's fine if you have the opinion that you don't care about having the best performance or the fastest system available, but ...trying to say it's overkill and it doesn't do anything to bolster performance is wrong.  Go read some speed tests. . . and maybe take it to a forum topic that isn't dealing with the latest and greatest.

In other news.

Still no shipment of my system.  Still no response from Dell as to why people who ordered a week later had their ship already.

And thank you for confirming my Foxconn theory.

38 Posts

December 5th, 2008 19:00


If you need more than 6GB of Ram than find, but my system came with 512GB of Ram before I updated to 2GB recently! I still think 6GB of ram is over-kill and not needed and of waste of your money! If your doing gaming than I would suggest you buy a gaming system that plugs into your TV!

Have a nice day!



Well, I certainly give you credit for standing firm in your ignorance! lol. I guess we are all entitled to our "opinions". As for purchasing a console gaming system to "plug in to a TV" - no thanks, I have no need for a toy. I use my TV to watch television shows - imagine that. I use my computer for many other purposes in addition to gaming (which I admit is a big part of what I use it for). For example - I also use my computer for work, CAD and also to browse Internet forums to help educate the uninformed on the benefits and cost effectiveness of performance upgrades.

You admit you QUADRUPLED the RAM in your computer. Tell me - why did you do that? If it CAME with 512 MB and turned on and worked, then what POSSIBLE reason would you have to "WASTE YOUR MONEY" and purchase more? lol! (You see where I'm going with this?) If you knew at the time you purchased your 512 MB computer that you would someday need 2GB and had the opportunity to purchase it for less than it would likely cost later, then wouldnt you have done it initially?

My current RIG has 4GB of RAM. It works ok, but looking at many benchmarks I regulary run as well as substantial logging information on the size of my swap file has told me what I already suspected - for what I DO (including Gaming, CAD, etc...) I NEED more than 4GB. Period. You see - its called educating yourself by doing research and running tests to actually make a factual determination of what hardware is or is not needed. I prefer that method as opposed to following suggestions that are simply blanket statements made with absolutely NO facts, experiments or research to back it up (i.e. making a naive statement like "6GB is overkill" or that one should "increase video memory", which doesnt even make sense since you cannot increase the memory on modern graphics accelerators - you can only replace the card which is typically FAR more expensive than a RAM upgrade).

Even a brief google search shows the following:

Article showing how inexpensive RAM has become (ex shows 4GB for as little as 25$!):,2079.html

Article showing substantial difference in peformance on I7 systems with 6GB RAM versus 3GB:,6614.html

Again - not trying to bash - just trying to educate! You have a nice day as well! 



52 Posts

December 6th, 2008 05:00

I think I see why your system hasn't shipped There is a 6 day lead time on the following GeForce GTX280 1024MB vidGeForce GTX280 1024MB video card

52 Posts

December 6th, 2008 05:00

Can anyone tell me how to get the systems lights to flash when receiving E-Mail, also I do not see a teaming option in the broadcom software. I know both of these things should be able to do on the 730x

December 6th, 2008 10:00

Other people who ordered the same card the same day as me already had their system ship.  At the time I ordered (11/20) there wasn't an extra delay due to that graphic card. . . at least none mentioned by the system configuration tool.  Even if there were a 6 day lead time, that's come and gone.  I think really it's just because I complained that other people were starting to get theirs that ordered after I did.  Now they just want me to sit it out because they have the power to do that.  (I like conspiracy theories)

Still shows a ship date of 1/12/09. 

Hey, XPS730X, have you had any luck getting your system powered up?


December 6th, 2008 21:00

No such luck - so they are sending me another one which I hope will in fact work properly.

No offense, but if you get your second one before I get my first... especially since you ordered your first one a day after me... I'm going to be pretty irked.

I do, however, hope that your next one is fully functional :-)

I can't believe that they won't respond to me regarding this.  No one wants to give me a reason why my particular order is delayed.  They just want to say they "understand my concern regarding this issue"

54 Posts

December 6th, 2008 21:00

No such luck - so they are sending me another one which I hope will in fact work properly.

No Events found!
