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This post is more than 5 years old


October 28th, 2009 13:00

XPS 9000 and XPS 8000 delivery delay issues

The previous thread that mentioned issues of the Studio XPS 9000 and XPS 8000 being delayed or having extensive build times was locked. After a months time I had ordered mine (9/26) and it was supposed to ship on (10/22), after two delays it finally shipped out and will be received today (10/28). If you have any issues or have found any solutions to help get your systems sooner please help others that have also been in this predicament. It would seem the main issue is due to the high demand of I5 and I7 processors and parts being backordered. If you call customer service after a delay often times they will upgrade you to one day shipping, even though it took them three days to actually get it out.

152 Posts

January 9th, 2010 11:00

I do and actually I found two and emailed both of them. But I got no answer from any of them. I don't think that he is using them at all. They should be more of a fake emails to keep you busy.

Drop me a note in private and I will give them to you.

5 Posts

January 9th, 2010 12:00

I'm staying with my XPS 8000 deal.  The 8100 equivalent is a couple hundred more and another month wait at least.  I have 1/15 as my date to receive now.

152 Posts

January 9th, 2010 14:00

I'm not going to get excited, by my original  Estimated Delivery Date of 1/26/2010 was moved to1/14/2010 (updated), XPS is listed as shipped!



Goodluck with your XPS 9000 and you should get it. Probably that is what we all had to do, order XPS 9000s

152 Posts

January 9th, 2010 14:00

[quote user="nimche"]

We need to find a better solution.

The solution is for customers with new orders to CANCEL them and buy from another company.  The only way Dell is going to correct this messed up system is if it affects their bottom line.  Why does Dell use US-based sales and support for their business customers?  It's because the small and large businesses would not tolerate the kind of poor and incompetent sales and support that we are receiving on the Home side of Dell. 

I know some will say they don't want to cancel because they received a special deal when they ordered from Dell.  But is that deal really worth all the delays and hassles just to get it, much less if you should have a problem later that you have to get resolved? 

The best solution that I see to force Dell to change its ways is to vote with your wallet.  Cancel your order and file a complaint with the BBB that explains your dealings with Dell and why you have taken your business elsewhere.


Reason I am not cacelling is because I don't know where to but. I have to admit that HP is gar-bage and I am not a MAC guy at all. I don't see any reliable company out there at all. I would go alieanware but they are operated by Dell somehow and leaves no chance for me to do anything else. Either I have to wait or go OUTLET or Best buy.

Its really hard for me because I love Dell but not their service/ Reason I am still here? Because I am dealing with Customer Rep in the US and not anywhere else and as soon as I don't get any support I will break the deal.

152 Posts

January 9th, 2010 14:00

After 4 emails in 4 days I finally got a response.  the response was that my system was too far along in production to be cancelled, but, when I receive it I can return it to them.  However, they say my EDD is still 1/25. If it is that far along in production why is my EDD still 2 weeks away?  If they would send me all of the parts I could build it in about 1/2 a day. I would hate to see their production line, about 100 computers lined up waiting for one person to install the motherboards, when he is done with all 100, they get sent to the next guy to install the hard drives, etc., etc. etc. until the computers are completed. Then they send all 100 to shipping, who ship out one unit per day!

I had suggested that they ship me one from the Outlet and just send my unit to the Outlet when it is completed.  That was not possible.

Do you notice that there is no delay in getting units to or Best Buy. com?  You can order an XPS 8100, i7-750, 8G RAM, 750GB HD,512 graphics and a wireless card and a 23 in. monitor for $1,100 and it will be shipped in one day from their warehouse. If those aren't the exact specs you want, you can buy all of the other items you want from Best Buy and they will ship them to you at the same time and you can have your system, configured the way you want, by Wednesday.

If I wasn't really looking for a particular specs. I would have definitly buy either from BestBut or Outlet. If they have already delayed your order, you can call the number or email them, belows are the information:

If you do not wish to wait, you may cancel your order by emailing us at or by calling 1-877-868-3355.


Good LUCK!

152 Posts

January 9th, 2010 14:00

I'm staying with my XPS 8000 deal.  The 8100 equivalent is a couple hundred more and another month wait at least.  I have 1/15 as my date to receive now.

I hate the wait time anyways but they matched up my 8000 price with a 8100 and I am still waiting. I should be able to wait another two weeks before I go crazy/

108 Posts

January 9th, 2010 16:00

[quote user="TDB53"]

After 4 emails in 4 days I finally got a response.  the response was that my system was too far along in production to be cancelled, but, when I receive it I can return it to them.  However, they say my EDD is still 1/25. If it is that far along in production why is my EDD still 2 weeks away?  If they would send me all of the parts I could build it in about 1/2 a day. I would hate to see their production line, about 100 computers lined up waiting for one person to install the motherboards, when he is done with all 100, they get sent to the next guy to install the hard drives, etc., etc. etc. until the computers are completed. Then they send all 100 to shipping, who ship out one unit per day!

I had suggested that they ship me one from the Outlet and just send my unit to the Outlet when it is completed.  That was not possible.

Do you notice that there is no delay in getting units to or Best Buy. com?  You can order an XPS 8100, i7-750, 8G RAM, 750GB HD,512 graphics and a wireless card and a 23 in. monitor for $1,100 and it will be shipped in one day from their warehouse. If those aren't the exact specs you want, you can buy all of the other items you want from Best Buy and they will ship them to you at the same time and you can have your system, configured the way you want, by Wednesday.

If I wasn't really looking for a particular specs. I would have definitly buy either from BestBut or Outlet. If they have already delayed your order, you can call the number or email them, belows are the information:

If you do not wish to wait, you may cancel your order by emailing us at or by calling 1-877-868-3355.


I haven't actually been delayed yet. They are still  giving me the original 1/25 EDD.  I have the number right next to my computer, so, the second I get delayed, I am calling to cancel.  I tried to talk them into allowing me to cancel and/or giving me an 8100, but, my arguments were not persuasive enough! 

I just read a post from someone who had an EDD of 1/26 and they just got a shipping notice, so, there may be some hope.

152 Posts

January 9th, 2010 17:00

I just read a post from someone who had an EDD of 1/26 and they just got a shipping notice, so, there may be some hope.

He ordered XPS 9000. New systems are always in backlog. I was also looking at ebay.

468 Posts

January 9th, 2010 17:00

I dont know why people give up when they go to cancel something and they are told no.  As long as the item is not in shipped status you have every right to cancel.  On top of that, if they cannot deliver the product within 30 days you have the right to cancel as long as you do not OK any extension, per the FTC (at least in the US).

27 Posts

January 9th, 2010 19:00

For all you people still waiting on your XPS 8000, if you have the time and the patience, file a complaint with the BBB.. I filed exactly a month after I placed my order, after numerous delays, and received my XPS 8000 on the 24th of December (Original order was 11/19).. It seems like the only way to get Dell to move on your system is to file a complaint or just wait and wait and well, you already know.. By the way, the XPS 8000 is a great system, but Dell needs a better way of dealing with customers who are loyal to their brand.. Good luck to you all..

January 9th, 2010 19:00

I don't know why everyone is complaining. You'll get it when you get it. If you don't like it and you get the opportunity to get out of the deal, then get out. You knew the terms when you ordered, didn't you?

I ordered an XPS 8000 from the outlet on 12/31/09 and got it on 1/7/10. The EDD was 1/11/10. I got the i7-860, 8GB RAM, two DVD players, GTX260 VC, 1TB HD, all for $939. The unit looks brand new and the tag on top says it was built on 12/12/09.

I added another 1TB HD, and filled the two external slots with eSATA ports.  Everything runs great, old software loaded up with no problem, I'm enjoying the experience, plus I saved $455 over a comparably equipped XPS 8100.

I guess I learned to be patient. I've ordered and waited up to 18 months for a wristwatch so one week (over New Years none-the-less) is nothing.

108 Posts

January 9th, 2010 20:00

I don't know why everyone is complaining. You'll get it when you get it. If you don't like it and you get the opportunity to get out of the deal, then get out. You knew the terms when you ordered, didn't you?

I ordered an XPS 8000 from the outlet on 12/31/09 and got it on 1/7/10. The EDD was 1/11/10. I got the i7-860, 8GB RAM, two DVD players, GTX260 VC, 1TB HD, all for $939. The unit looks brand new and the tag on top says it was built on 12/12/09.

I added another 1TB HD, and filled the two external slots with eSATA ports.  Everything runs great, old software loaded up with no problem, I'm enjoying the experience, plus I saved $455 over a comparably equipped XPS 8100.

I guess I learned to be patient. I've ordered and waited up to 18 months for a wristwatch so one week (over New Years none-the-less) is nothing.

It's the dishonesty and poor customer support that Dell is providing to long term loyal customers.  I ordered a system on 12/30 that Dell advertised as a new system. On  12/31 they discontinued it and started offering its replacement on 1/7.  They had to have known that was happening at the time they advertised the XPS8000 as a new system.  That is dishonest and unnecessary, especially when they had been unable to deliver these systems for over a month at that time.  Why didn't they simply stop offering it and transfer our orders to the new system that was coming out in January instead of allowing us to order a system they can't deliver? Then, they give us delivery dates that they know they can't meet, they igonore our emails and phone calls, or, when they respond they tell us things they know we already know..  

So, no, I didn't know the terms when I ordered it, because they hid the facts and decieved me about their ability to deliver. I ordered it in good faith and expected them to deliver in good faith. That was not what happened.

I would agree with your logic if they had told me the truth about the XPS 8000 and if they told me when I ordered it that there could be delays in shipping or offered me the opportunity to wait another week and order the new model.  They didn't.  I am still anxiously waiting for my computer and I expect that I will be happy with it.  If they deliver it when they promised, then I will be happy with that.  I am just not happy about being treated this way when I have been a loyal Dell customer for many years.

Had I done my homework and read these threads before I ordered, I might have done what you did and I would have my computer by now.  I guess that is on me.

33 Posts

January 10th, 2010 06:00

I don't understand why a Dell representative won't reply here. Give some explanations to why there are the delays. Where there production facilities are and how many they have. Any particular parts that are not available in certain parts of the country? Tell us what the ratio is of people that have received the orders on time and those that haven't.

Come on Dell!!! Don't just hide in the weeds and pick off TOS violating posts. You're all adults. Adults at a huge corporation. Act like one. Show yourself and make yourself accountable!!! The people demand it. Answer their needs.


4 Posts

January 10th, 2010 06:00

i wrote earlier posts about my experence on page 14.So I recieved my xps 9000 12/18/0 and i had to get it exchanged since it was only using 4 GB of RAM instead of the 8GB i bought with the computer. i placed my exchange order on 12/28/09 and i received my replacement xps 9000 in 8 Days!!!! yes 8 im not lieing but ya i was really suprised myself, since the manager i talked to said 3-4 weeks!! i also told him i wanted my new PC to be shipped overnight as soon as it was done and he said ok.

so if you have any problems call and ask to talk  to a supervisor/manager.. seemed to work for me...i have never expected to receive my replacement sooo fast...

good luck to you all and how to do stop from getting emails from this forum? haha

98 Posts

January 10th, 2010 08:00

I will have to tell you though that since I do have mine now I am really happy.  I had to fix two things right off of the bat though. 


Upgrade the bios to A03 and re-seat all of my memory sticks as it was only showing half of what was installed.

Change the bios settings to allow for turbo boost and sleeping. 


Other than that it flies through tasks and can play any game I want.

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