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This post is more than 5 years old


April 21st, 2010 13:00

XPS Dimension One A2010 BIOS Problems After Update

I have a Dell XPS Dimension One that I was asked to fix after someone else did a half-baked job of installing Windows 7 onto it.  It appears to be a "clean" install since many of the necessary drivers were missing.  I got it behaving fairly well but ran into trouble after a BIOS upgrade.

I upgraded the BIOS from 2.0.4 to 2.0.6 and after following the final instructions for shut-down and unplugging the power, etc., when I started it I received the following BIOS errors:

CPU fan Failure
System fan failure
Press F1 to Resume

The system DOES boot OK if I press F1, though I think the fans don't spin down as they should once the system is up and running.

I also noticed the service tag is completely wrong now -  [DELETED PER TOS] if that has any significance.

I tried downloading 2.0.4 and going back to it but I'm still getting the fan failure / F1 messages now.

How can I fix the BIOS problems??

Also, is there a Windows 7 -compatible driver for the QST Management Engine Interface?  The A01 version that shows up for the service tag on this unit, refuses to install on Windows 7.

Thanks for any guidance!!!


3 Posts

August 27th, 2013 09:00

Just wanted to share my very recent experience with this- I was installing a new hard drive on my friend's A2010 with Win 7 x64 and in the process decided to update the BIOS (why not?!). So, everything seemed fine, but then I started noticing that the fans were running like crazy all the time. All of the symptoms listed in this forum were happening to me also. I tried everything listed in this forum with no success*. Finally, I gave up and put the back cover on the machine to give it  back to my friend with my apologies. After closing it, I decided to boot it up one more time to see how bad it sounded with the cover on. And, you know what? The fans acted normally! I think having the back cover off was causing the fan sensor(s) to somehow read incorrect temps and they were maxing out. Just putting the computer back together seemed to fix it and its been working fine ever since. Now, there may have been some issue with BIOS 2.0.5, but I'm now at 2.0.6 and the fans work fine as long as the back cover is on. Just wanted to relay this in case anybody else is in this situation working on their computer with the cover off and pulling their hair out about the fan speed! Just put the cover back on and see what happens. :-)

*An aside- when trying to flash the BIOS, I couldn't get the Dell program to work from Win 7 x64. I had to actually find another hard drive and put Vista on it and then swap that hard drive in and run the BIOS update software from Vista to get it to take. I eventually was able to get it and leave it at BIOS version 2.0.6.

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