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This post is more than 5 years old


March 26th, 2009 09:00

XPS One 24" video options

​We are looking at getting the XPS ONE for our Kitchen area. We are doing it to free up our cabinet and fix some heat issues (putting a desktop in a cabinet not designed for it causes major heat buildup and leaving the door open all the time).​

​My only concern is the video card. These are basically laptop video cards it seems. They have two options now with the 24". An integrated Intel X4500HD or the 512MB NVIDIA® GeForce® 9600M GT card.​

​I am looking for comparisons of these two. I have read to not expect to run modern graphic intensive games on these computers (I have two other XPS systems we can do that on).​

​Opinions or thoughts??​


650 Posts

April 8th, 2009 23:00

If you're not going to be doing any gaming on the XPS ONE, and I mean any, either of those video options will work just fine. However, I would go with the Nvidia 9600m GT with 512mb onboard memory.

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